Perhaps in Current Events
- May 4, 2020, 2:43 a.m.
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It’s 2am and I’m tossing and turning as usual when I remembered something concerning. Well, something interesting at least. Maybe. I was thinking about my prescription and if I wanted to continue with it when I remembered that I missed my last doctor appointment. It was an important one because we were going to discuss me starting these meds but I was ironically sick that day so I skipped it. This was in November or December. I’m like never sick and when I am I never let it stop me but on that day, that flue/cold (I don’t know the difference ngl) knocked me off my ass. I never felt so dead. I thought I was dying. I was relatively fine the day before and I remember waking up and experiencing a piercing pain in my throat all the way down to my chest. I remember texting Bev and blaming her, jokingly, for getting everybody sick in my house. I even fevered which was a first. It didn’t last long, just a few days but that was not the case for my nephew. We were all scared for him and the doctors kept sending my sister home. He’s fine now though! Mucus was gushing out of his eyes and we experienced that with his sister but it was just ridiculous and scary. Anyways, I suspect that if we got tested for C19 antibodies we would test positive. I’m not just saying to try and feel special I swear! We were all homebodies so I don’t think we spread it anywhere.
Anyways, back to tossing and turning for a few more hours as I can never turn this brain off. Category is: identity vs the self. How can I liberate people from their identities and lead them to the self? The only way out is in.
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