May The Fourth Be With You in Current Events
- April 30, 2020, 10:31 a.m.
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My province is to implement phased reopening starting on May 4t for various non-essential businesses and non-urgent medical practices and I’m feeling a bit relieved about it. My niece can at least play at the park again. We’ll still be exercising social distancing… I’m not sure how that is going to work while I am in the dentist’s chair. I’m aching for a haircut also. I’m assuming that the craft store I worked at is not going to be hiring any of us back just yet.
I’m still not sleeping well. I can’t shut my mind up. It’s worse than ever. Also, I have so much mysterious mail that I can’t bring myself to open. I don’t know what is going on and I don’t want to know. I’ve shrunk my surroundings even tighter since this pandemic and I don’t even want to think about my life right now. I met up with Bev for a social distance coffee the other day and it was so nice to see a friend for a change. I’ve had enough of this computer screen. I’m trying to read an unadulterated translation of the Gita. Apparently I’m illiterate and this book is so hard to follow. It took over an hour to get through 35 pages. I can’t focus so I have to go back. I’m trying to listen to Sadhguru’s Audiobook Inner Engineering also but then I fall asleep. Same with the audiobooks Autobiography of a Yogi and Tony Robbins Money master the game. What don’t I know? has been the question I keep asking myself.
I am piss poor at understanding money and so I downloaded Tony Robbin’s book. It was recommended to me last year and so far I’m keeping up with it. I don’t deal with my finances well at all. I can’t even open up five letters because I don’t know if they are from creditors or not. I don’t even want to think about what I need for retirement but I need to face that reality at some point. I thought I was doing well but I’ve just been avoiding everything. I’ll blame the pandemic for this one this time. Anyways, I should just open these damn letters and go sulk outside. It’s almost warm out there. I can’t wait for some scorching heat. I just want to get cooked I am so sick of being cold. Why do I live in one of the coldest places in the world again?
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