1 month 9 days post op in Pudendal Decompression Surgery
- April 22, 2020, 6:59 a.m.
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Good things
1) Made a smoothie with my mom/ got new protein powder.
2) Was able to schedule PT for May 18th, depending on COVID
3) No bladder area burning today (just other issues in my face). The stinging stabbing feelings kinda subsided for awhile.
4) Got to talk to some more of the PN surgery friends. They are still far from done but I cant help but be jealous of all the stuff they’ve noticed.
5) I got my “grabber” up and working so I don’t have to bend down to pick things up!
Bad things
1) Digestive system still a complete fool. My pelvic muscles just feel like huge boulders.
2) The allodynia is just out of control. Cant wear pants even at all.
3) My incision tape is coming off slowly but surely. But getting it yanked just kills so I cant pull it off.
4) Was not able to take a walk today because the pain was so in my face. Its super funny that I think I can try to make daily plans like that.
5) Missing my co workers really bad. Wondering what they are doing but at the same time I dont want to know all that I am missing out on.
COVID 19 roars on
Virus damage report: 823,257 total confirmed in the USA, deaths: 44,228 and total recovered 75,177. About 703,852 of SICK or recovered/ missing data there. I do realize people are being marked as death due to COVID, and they may not have had a proper autopsy. They are just “GUESSING” that COVID was the culprit of the death due to a confirmed case and their symptoms. So that is yet another thing being pointed out to me. So far IL stay at home order is until April 30th but there seems to be talk of extending it even longer as per usual. I am not sure about phase 1 phase 2 phase 3 yet like if we are even starting that or what have you. I dont see being able to keep society closed for 3 fricken months. I guess whatever you classify as “essential” is gonna be important now. I digress for now. My life doesn’t change at all. Except not being able to work remotely I guess.
Look at the present my mom gave me! I dont have to call her name every time I need to have something picked up anymore.
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