Halleloo in Current Events
- April 9, 2020, 7:59 a.m.
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By some freak miracle, a second GST check deposited into my bank account this morning. I was worried about how I was going to tie myself over until my tax refund. Apparently, some individuals received a GST boost who qualified for it. It was a pleasant surprise especially as the check was four times the amount of the first GST one. I can’t apply for the subsidies until Monday because apparently we’re only allowed to apply on certain days of the week depending on your birthday. So on Monday, I will apply. I’m feeling some relief. There were huge lines to get into grocery stores this morning at 8am, I ventured out to the one nobody goes to. I didn’t manage to get everything I wanted and I figured that I would just go on Saturday morning but Matt comes home today so now we all have to self-quarantine for fourteen days. I will not be going anywhere this weekend. I have fresh produce at least and I can’t wait to eat a big salad!
With the 100 burpees a day challenge that I am doing is going well. I am not doing any before and after pictures… maybe I should? My body composition is actually changing. I’m pleased with how this is going. When I watch the before and after videos on YouTube of others who did this nobody mentions how these give you a butt lift. I’m doing Crossfit burpees, they’re pretty big movements… for me at least. At first anyway. They’re a breeze now. I wish I had a pullup bar.
The 25th of this month will be the one year anniversary of when I got fired from my restaurant gig of 13 years because of that whole metoo scandal that left me with some… damage. Some days I don’t even think about it anymore but then there are other days when I pray that they grow tastebuds in their assholes because they’re disgusting human beings and I hate them all wildly… ok, I shouldn’t be holding any anger about it but it’s hard. I’m working on it. If I had half a mind I would login into Facebook and just expose them for the human trash that they are. I’lI take the high road on this one. For now at least. I do have a job waiting for me once the craft store reopens and the hours and shifts that I was getting were perfect. They left room for me to go back to school in the evenings. I am supposed to move in with Toni also but I was thinking about how unreliable she has been. I’ve been unreliable myself but I had circumstances. Christmas day she hit me Should I move in with Stacey and Kim? On my birthday she hit me should I move in with my parents? Which she just did but that’s perfectly understandable. Then the weekend I wanted to celebrate getting a job she hits me do you want to move in with Bob and me? Like, come on lady. In her world, she has been patiently waiting for me to get my shit together so I can’t fault her for thinking about other options. I do want to talk to her about this though. Maybe she has some things that she wants to get off her chest as well? I’m all ears. omg, Stacey married a narcissist and is subjected to endless amounts of abuse and DV victims are trapped indoors with their abusers right now… I just thought of that. Anyways. I need to get some probiotics in me and then brace myself for another person to be in this one bathroom house that is smaller than most apartments.
I don’t know why this amuses me so much
Last updated April 09, 2020
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