Day 21 post op in Pudendal Decompression Surgery
- April 3, 2020, 1:22 p.m.
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Hey guys! I got some feedback that people liked the good/bad lists I am doing so I will try to keep that up.
Good things for today
1) I had a FEW hours of TOLERABLE pain levels this morning. This usually happens in the morning.
2) I am MOSTLY packed for tomorrows scary adventure.
3) We have help to potentially lift our bags and load the car.
4) We have a plan of action for the airport.
5) Mom was able to send some of our stuff back to the house via UPS
6) I have met new friends with PNE!
7) Checked in for the flight.
Bad things for today
1) The bladder spasms are back and I am having to pee myself here and there.
2) I am not able to mix my anxiety meds with my pain meds. This will be tricky.
3) I have unintentionally lost more weight. I haven’t gotten on the scale to see #’s yet but I don’t like it. I look like a pile of bones.
4) Pain is overall worse. I have noticed numbness I attributed to the lingering effects of the pain pump but I dont think that seems to be the case. Not sure if this will be permanent or not.
5) I am not one of those lucky people who have noticed subtle changes/ improvements in certain areas of the PN pain. PN pain is very 3 dimensional. Most people have pain in the rectal/tailbone area, pereneum area, and genital area. They also can have bladder issues. I haven’t noticed any positive changes pain wise that some people can begin to notice right out of surgery. It’s too early to tell if this means anything yet.
6) Pain after bowel movements are still horrendous. Pain is worse as the day goes on.
Shit is getting real. Look my mom organized my bags instead of me just throwing shit in there. =-)
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