can't fight the seether in --

  • March 24, 2014, 2:38 p.m.
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It's snowing... after being in the 60s for a couple of weeks. what. I would love to live in a warmer state, I'm tired of not being able to go outside because it's too cold for me. Anything under 65 is too cold for me, really.

It's slow to warm up this year.

I just got around to mopping the kitchen, entry area of the living room, and the wood floors of the living room... and let's just say that I am not going to wait that long again. You should see how dark the yellow re-washable Swiffer pad thing got... (I use a Swiffer wetjet).

I guess I got my cardio in for the day. Also going up and down stairs to do mountains of laundry helps.

I've noticed that Lorelei is a much more active kid than Cannon was in the womb.

Cannon has not taken a nap for the past two days, but he has gone to bed at 11.30 both nights which is good... I guess I can live without naps when he does that. However, he is always extremely grumpy and everything sets him off, which isn't fun for him, I imagine.

My spring break (ha ha.... "break") is this week, so I will probably focus on organizing things... although I'm not very good at organizing.

I'm really not a great housekeeper. :P

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