Yikes, Oopsy-crap in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014

  • March 24, 2014, 8:49 a.m.
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So... it has been a week since last I was here. Many apologies and I plan to catch up on my favorites/bookmarks very soon... what a world!

So... last week my fibromyalgia was kicking my ass hardcore. Pain increased, sleeplessness shot through the roof, and my dear nemesis "Fibro Fog" won the day. Fibro Fog is the conditional symptom wherein you are dealing with the pain and lack of sleep to such a level that you easily lose focus, your memory gets shot to hell, and essentially... your brain goes a bit ca-ca. Because of Fibro Fog, I accidentally screwed up a major Group Project in my Legal Interviewing and Client Counseling class; I completely missed an assignment in Advanced Legal Research; and it took me 4 days to create a requested letter for my Legal Organization's Charity. The good news is- I was able to mail out the first half of my Bar Application. So, mail out the second half this week and hope for the best.

I think the two biggest issues I am going to have in school for the next month are going to be ARBITRATION and ADVANCED LEGAL RESEARCH. Arbitration is just... difficult to follow. The Supreme Court disrespects the process, but enforces it when it can, but there are contracts-within-contracts and focus is placed on the formation contract and then on the interior contract and fraud creates an issue in the formation contract but NOT the interior contract... it is going to be a final most definitely worth studying for. Then ALR is... going to be project intensive. Alongside the usual weekly-busy work; we have this deep research project to work on and... I chose a shit topic. As focused on criminal law as I am, I genuinely wanted to learn more about Perjury. Apparently, I'm the only one because there aren't many perjury secondary sources out there. The academic world couldn't give two shits about perjury. Puts me in a bind. But that isn't the only "Big Project" due in that class. We also have to draft a proposal to construct a private legal library. Translation: attempt to build a functioning, cheap legal resource plan and propose it to a board of senior partners. Theoretically- excellent experience. Practically? The value of that experience is closely tied to what type of legal work/office one is associated with. Unless you are starting your own firm- the legal library is usually fairly established. Especially for the type of government work I want to do.... which brings me to

Job Hunting and Bar Study is going to be a huge baby for me. There are two jobs that I am currently gearing my hunt for right now (because they are looking) but of course... I am nervous. And why do I hate fear? Because fear forms frozen functions. Therein... the deadline is fast approaching and I have not submitted yet. It's childish and exactly the type of thing I would have been able to deal with easily only a year ago. But somehow... knowing that we've gone from "If I don't get the job, there'll be others" to "If I don't get the job, I may be unemployed and unable to support my family" creates the fear that frustrates the function. I just have to close my eyes and do it! (Hopefully, that WILL get done tonight or soon thereafter).

As for what the upcoming week holds: Tomorrow, I will get to shadow a private defense attorney as he works cases in two different counties. Promises to be interesting, but it comes before Arbitration class and the day may take a sharp downturn there. Tuesday, I desperately need to work on my ALR stuff but we'll see if I have time. Wednesday- the only day I work this week. That does not fill me with happy fun confidence thinking that, if I don't find legal work in Iowa, I may be reduced to a $30 weekly paycheck. But really... most everything builds up to SATURDAY: Law Prom alias Barrister's Ball. I rented a hotel room next to the venue, everyone is going, and I plan to wear an all black ensemble with a green tie. No idea what the wife is wearing but, of course, I hope she has a good time. I still have two entries in my head that I need to write out

Note to Me: Write Gender Entry, Write Wife Conversation Entry.

Other than that... we'll see if I'm on much this week. I really think I could be, but who knows how my body and this week's schedule are going to pan out. One final thing.... anyone who read my dating history... I mentioned T2. Really, one could consider her my first real girlfriend. She was most assuredly my first kiss. She was half Japanese and half American (and despite my fondness for Asian culture and aesthetic, she was the only Asian woman I've been brave enough to ask out). Anyway... she just posted something to YouTube/Facebook/Colombian Tourism Board so... I figured I'd do her business a solid while simultaneously introducing you to what became of T2 (14 years after we broke up). And yes, in many ways good and bad- this woman is extraordinarily different from my wife.

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