At least it's an opportunity to do more writing... in shiny things

  • March 19, 2020, 9:39 p.m.
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Yikes - this just shows how fragile our lifestyle is, I guess, and how quickly we can be catapulted into a bizarre new world of quarantines and social isolation and shortages and rationing etc etc etc. I’ve always wondered how Americans would react to having limitations forced on us, and now we’re about to find out. My parents were Depression-Era children and WW2-Era teenagers, and as a result were great at being conservative and making do and not expecting everything to go their way. Which is quite shocking when WE’RE careening towards the same territory.

Baker B and I are SO SO fortunate, though. We can both work from home, we work for a university that’s doing all they can to get their students and employees through this, we don’t have kids so haven’t got a house full of bored children at home with us because schools are closed. Our cats are very happy about this situation. We have insurance and sick time and vacation time if it comes to that. We have enough money to buy what we need and to stockpile what we are going to need if the state shuts down, but we don’t have so much money that the stock market crashes are going to matter to us. At least not directly. We live in a small rural college/tourist town, where it’s easier to stay away from people and nobody is fighting over toilet paper in the grocery store. We are natural social distancers, being introverts and not that crazy about hanging out with other people to begin with. We like each other and don’t mind being stuck for long periods in the same house. Mostly.

I started working from home on Tuesday. I had to get a laptop from the university since I just have an iPad and can’t easily access everything I need with that, and although Baker B has a desktop, we figured he would need to use it. As it turns out, he also has a work laptop AND a desktop, so he’s brought his laptop and the tower from his desktop home, and we now have a whole lot of computers. I have been quite shocked- happily shocked- at how easily I can do everything I need to do from home, other than print, and we need to stop printing as much as we do anyhow. It DOES take about a million times longer to do my things here, but I am sure once I get used to it, it will be a lot quicker. I have two screens at work and it really slows me down to flip back and forth on one screen - spoiled!! - but it’s possible. Of course. I also can’t seem to find a good spot to work from, and move from couch to spare room bed to the table the cats have their kitty cubes on. I have very poor posture/ergonomics when it comes to using the computer - right now I’m sitting cross-legged on the saggy couch- so it’s making my back hurt. I did order a “lap table” so that should help, and we’re bringing my office chair home tomorrow so I can use that at the table. Baker B has a “study” downstairs with a table so he’s okay with me monopolizing the upstairs.

So the first few days have been a… challenge… what with distractions and the hunt for a perfect spot to work from, and several Zoom meetings (in which I appeared to be the only person propped up on their spare-room bed with cats walking across me - yay for being a total professional!) but it’s getting easier every day, and I LOVE not having to drag myself physically to the office. Mr. Organized and Miss Tattoo and I have been using chat and messaging each other a LOT, which also helps in the “this is so weird and unsettling” department. Overall, I keep thinking, I could REALLY get used to this

And now I have the perfect opportunity to actually start writing regularly, and catching up with everyone, since I will have a lot more time if I am hanging out at home all day every day. And it’s history which needs documenting. SO, wash your hands and stay away from everyone, and hooray for the small bright spots!

noko March 20, 2020

Go you two for working it all out. I get the work from home adjustments thing. Having my good work chair at home made a big difference. I am not sure why but none of the chairs I own are actually supportive in a good way. When I had to take that chair back I managed with a back pillow and a squishy half dome balance thing for my feet to make an arrangement that supported my frustratingly aging back.

People are hoarding here. The grocery stores are now having hours for the vulnerable to shop and they get first crack at tp and rice and beans. I don’t know when any cleaning supplies will be available again. I am trying to figure out how to keep my phone clean without wipes. I am using a little alcohol on a lens cleaning cloth but it is less than ideal.

Great to see you here. I may start doing Zoom meetings with my students next week.

edna million noko ⋅ March 21, 2020

There’s hoarding here too, and I am sorry to say we’re contributing- Mark is a “stock up for the Apocalypse “ shopper during normal times and he is going a little overboard. It’s all stuff we need and will certainly use, but I am getting embarrassed to go to the grocery store! One more trip and I am putting my foot down about doing an inventory of what we have so we can maybe cut back with the shopping. Of course since nobody knows what will happen and how long this will go on, it’s probably not much of an argument. The stores here are putting limits on a lot of things so at least we aren’t taking more than our share per trip!

edna million noko ⋅ March 21, 2020

And that’s great that stores are letting vulnerable shoppers have the first chance. Our town is pretty small, especially with students and tourism cut back, so there haven’t been as serious shortages here. Except toilet paper, of course! And we even managed a 4pack today as Publix had restocked their brand. I haven’t seen any bad behavior either, which is encouraging.

I plan to try at least one zoom yoga class- it will definitely be better than nothing, and I have several passes to use!

Marg March 21, 2020

I’m very lucky too - it’s not a huge change for me either - unless I get the virus of course!
I wonder how much it’ll alter the way people work - if there will be a case for a lot more remote working when it’s all over and folk realise they have to start getting dressed again lol! I hope it changes the world in a lot more other ways too - and all of them positive :)
There are a lot of very happy cats around right now😸

edna million Marg ⋅ March 22, 2020

I will say it's already improving my nutrition! Mark really can't eat sugar without having bad effects - his chest gets very congested, weirdly enough- and he LOVES sugar- if it's in the house, he eats it, gets ill, and gets mad at me for having it available. So, if I get anything sweet I have to do it when I'm out on my own, or hide it from him. Now we go to the store together to panic-shop, so I can't get anything without him knowing! Suddenly I'm eating all this healthy stuff and not even getting my delicious frozen dinners I'm so fond of - Amys, don't know if you have them there but they are supposedly better for you, natural stuff, although of course no frozen dinner is that good for you and they are pricey. I can't get them because there's not enough room in our little freezer now as I've bought a lot of frozen food and veggies and fish.

Marg edna million ⋅ March 23, 2020

I’m the same - I haven’t heard of that brand though but I rely a lot on ready made frozen dinners and I don’t have room in the freezer to stock up! Half the space is taken up with pizzas and ice cream cones for the girls which of course I won’t need for a while! Just have to eat them myself then ......
It’s good it’s making you eat healthily though - everyone else is complaining that they’re comfort eating All The Things because of the stress :)

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