Monday plans in A New Journey
- March 9, 2020, 10:45 p.m.
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Today I went to my orthopaedics Dr appointment and got a clear to get off of my boot brace on my left foot from the surgery I had 3 1/2 weeks ago, I am so happy and I put on my good tennis shoes that I use for going to work out at Planet Fitness. But I can’t go back there just yet. BUT I also can’t put on my cowgirl boots on yet. I am so ready to be back in my boots but I need to let my scar heal a little better, I did pretty good taking good care of it, the scar never turned RED at all. That makes me happy.
I have seen myself gaining a few pounds of sitting around a lot the last 3 weeks and I am not a happy camper as I have worked hard the last year to lose weight. So I know spring is almost here and I will for sure be out and walking and going fishing, hiking and whatever takes me outdoors. SO I will just be patience. That is the key right??
I went to Sam’s to get a some groceries and few household items and OMGosh it was a madhouse at 2:30 PM why are people at work? They were fighting over toilet paper and paper towels and wipes and hand sanitizers. SO I was able to grab TP and PT and hand sanitizers and whatever else I needed. I didn’t even plan to get those things but I told myself well I better do it before its out and not have any at my house. Spent more that I had planned but I got some money back as Boyd gave me some money as he was happy I was able to get what was available.
SO far no cases of CV here in Wyoming, Crossing my fingers. Boyd daughter volunteers at the Summit county Hospital in Colorado and she was told she needs to go in and be tested as they had a positive CV there and now Boyd is in his PANIC mode as his daughter has Cerebral Palsy and she is very vulnerable to get sick. She goes to the ER at least 3 to 5 times a month and now we are really worried. He travels to Leadville, Colorado every 4 weeks to see his daughter and he does not want to get sick. SO I made him start taking some ACV for now and make sure he washes his hands more often. His job allows him to stay home and work at home. HE loves his job being at home. SO I told him he has a less risk to getting sick any ways.
I am not too worried either, as long as I do all the procedures to keeping clean and take my preventive meds.
Boyd just told he we are going fishing here in an hour. YAY!! I got to get some practice to use my new fishing pole we bought last fall and I am ready to use it NOW!!
Have a great evening !!
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