Rolling in the deep in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • March 20, 2014, 9:23 p.m.
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Need I say more? Oh, but only if it was working ...

I'm laying around, resting, (in between washing bed sheets, fixing meals, etc.) hoping to finally kick this bug's butt. If I'm not better tomorrow I will bite the bullet and go to the local Urgent Care since I don't have a family doctor. I'm pretty sure this has turned into a sinus infection because of the way things look when I blow my nose, which is about 30 times an hour.

I had to cancel my trip to Wichita tomorrow because of this bug. Between the way I feel and all the drugs I am taking, I'm just not up to it. The Child is disappointed but she understands. She keeps trying to take care of me, and bless her, I don't know how to allow someone to take care of me. We are learning together.

Although I feel like utter crap, I need to write about this before I forget and then later on everyone is left scratching their head muttering, "What the hell?" because I left out important information.

I did manage to pick up Monday night's at the sister hotel. That kinda fell into my lap out of thin air and I grabbed it and I'm sheltering it to my chest so that no one else sees it and wants it for them self. I'm greedy like that.

Long story short, I worked with Linda Tuesday night due to her and Levi trading shifts/days. She is a 60 year old woman that drove me nuts. She reminds me of Shelia but with a personality. Anyway, she mentioned that she was hoping Brock was going to drop her back to 2 nights per week instead of the 3 she was working. She has a full time day job & although she has been at the hotel for 6 years, she doesn't want to quit completely so she is happy with just 2 nights a week. So I looked at the schedule and what do you know, Monday's are one of her 3rd nights. So as long as Brock, the manager, Bill's son, is okay with it, I will now work Mon & Tue at the sister hotel.

But wait, it doesn't stop there.

So Crystle comes in at 7. I mention to her about what Linda & I talked about. Next thing I know, she's breaking down crying on me. At this point, after having had to listen to Linda all night long "tell me her life woes", all I can do is stand there and think to myself, "What dafuq? Do I have POPE stamped across my forehead? Why does everyone feel compelled to confess to me?" I so don't want to know all this information about all these people.

So another long story short, as long as Brock or Bill gives the okay, I will work every other Sunday, day shift, for Crystle. So it looks like my plan that I mentioned in my previous entry might come to fruition and I will be able to do Sun - Tue at the sister hotel and then Wed - Fri at my hotel. I'm sure Tami will be pissed and she will put up a big fight about it, because I won't be able to work Sat & Sun for her property. Boofuckinhoo. She had a chance to work with me or against me and this is the road she chose to travel down.

So we'll see what happens and go from there.

Okay, it's time for another does of meds, sheets are done in the dryer and I need to put them back on my bed and then I have to start dinner so that I can have The Child to karate practice in 2 hours, for 2 hours. Can someone loan me some energy? Or a new body? Or at least a head that doesn't pound every time I bend down?

By the way, I am trying to get caught up on everyone. Being sick and working and Mom duties, well, I've been slacking. I am sorry. I will get caught back up and note everyone, eventually. Just please be patient with me.

Till next time ...

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