Yikes in shiny things

  • Feb. 24, 2020, 3:35 p.m.
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It’s got to be a new Prosebox Avoidance Record for me - I haven’t made an entry since October 20. Well, other than one with notes for things to make an entry about. Like “importance of having phone numbers somewhere other than just on phone”. Because I left my phone at home and needed to call Baker B but I couldn’t tell you what his number is if my very life depended on it! That’s SO not good. I used to carry around a teeny little address book, but quit at some point. Why would I need an address book? Everything’s on my phone! Yeah. Bad idea. I did realize at last that I also have my contacts on my iPad, which I do usually have in my bag, but still. Remember back when we knew phone numbers by heart?? I actually remember way back in the 90s, when programming numbers into your fancy modern land line became a thing, and discussing with my cousins how we didn’t know each others numbers anymore. “I have no idea what your number is - I just press 3!!”

ANYHOW, I did scrawl some important numbers down and stick them in my wallet. I think.

Back to my point, I’ve continued in my quest to be Worst PB/ODer ever. I wait so long that I’m overwhelmed at the thought of either writing or trying to catch up on the eleventy-million entries everyone else has made in my absence, and I scurry away again. I really really REALLY do miss writing and reading, and am making a vow right here to remedy that. We’ll see what happens.

What else is on my list?
“Latest Work Stuff”. I have no idea what I meant by that. We have had a couple of surprising departures and new arrivals, but it was ages ago and by now the drama has vanished into the ether.

“Doctor’s Visit??” I REALLY don’t know what I meant by that!!! Baker B did have a concerning spot on his face removed, but it was fine, and that wasn’t very long ago. NO clue, but whatever it was…OH, I think it was when I went to get my painful fingers and hips checked out, and found I have osteoarthritis in my fingers and trochanteric bursitis in my hips. And I’m 110! Go me! I did assume that was the problem with my fingers, so no surprises. And there’s nothing to be done other than advil/tylenol if needed and also exercise and stretching, because it’s not THAT bad. Just annoying.

And… Phillip!!! Who is the cutest cat EVER, even now that he’s looking all grown up. He is really sweet, although he has a bit of trouble with getting overexcited and biting/scratching. He especially has trouble with NOT attacking Eddie and Cayce, although they… maybe???? consider it playing. It’s hard to tell. It always involves a lot of shrieking and screeching and yowling, but to be fair that’s how they play with each other too. He’ll go bounding up to them, and fling himself on top of them, and it sounds like someone’s being murdered. I’ve actually seen him knock them over, which you wouldn’t think possible. Then the next minute they’re giving him a wash. We’ve been trying to teach him not to be so rough, and not to scratch and bite us, and he’s gotten a lot better. We make a noise that I can’t spell at him (EEENNNNKKK!!! maybe??) and tell him “Soft paws!!” and he actually does make a visible effort. He’s VERY smart. I’ve never seen a cat who stares into your eyes like he does. He doesn’t just meet your eyes, like most cats, but STARES. Like he’s trying to hypnotize you. Or read your mind. And he often moves his mouth when you talk to him, as he’s staring into your eyes. I am pretty sure he’s trying to talk back.

SO now that I’ve spent all afternoon trying to figure out what exactly I have to write about, I’ll post some long overdue pics - Flickr seems to be working properly again, so yay! The first one is not very recent, as evidenced by how little he was compared to Cayce. Now he’s bigger than either of them and feels like he’s made out of bricks.

Cuddling with Eddie:

Apparently practicing some interpretive dance moves:

And practicing his future career as a model:

noko February 24, 2020

Interpretive dance moves! Sorry about the bursitis, and the discomfort in your fingers. I got a call from a boyfriend from , oh, 25 years ago a few weeks back and was astonished that I recognized his phone #. Different time back then. It is true that if we put a number directly into our phone...I think I can access Google Contacts across platforms but it is worth checking out. Cat model...love it.

Marg February 25, 2020

I totally agree about the phone numbers thing and am surprised no-one’s come up with some fabulous alternative yet! It worries me that if something happened to my phone in an accident or something I would have no clue what Nikki’s mobile or landline is! And I can still remember the phone number we had in the house growing up and also in my first flat :) (Well I interrupted that to go look for a tiny phone book I knew I had somewhere so that I could jot down a few important numbers and keep it in my bag and in so doing, came across a whole box of my Dad’s stuff so for the last hour I’ve been sitting reading his diary and wartime notes! Thank goodness for wonderful technology because I would have totally forgotten I’d gone and started this note otherwise!! :)

Marg February 25, 2020

You taught a cat something??! I feel like you should get some special distinction award or something :) You do have the most beautiful cats though - love that last pic!

IpsoFacto February 25, 2020

I, for one, am thrilled to see you pixels once again. We were in Asheville a short time ago and I thought of you.

edna million IpsoFacto ⋅ February 25, 2020

Oh, nice! I hope you enjoyed Asheville!

noko March 08, 2020

I was wondering if you have read the new Ann Cleeves, The Long Call. I thought of you when listening to the audiobook last night because the new protagonist grew up in a weird religion and it takes place in coastal Devon and well, I know you like her other books. It kept me engaged and there is in all the windswept darkness and gulls a thread of gentleness and care.

edna million noko ⋅ March 20, 2020

I have, and I loved it! I really liked the fresh feel of it, being the beginning of a new series. Sometimes with the Vera and Shetland books, they seem a little rushed and all over the place, but this was more focused and thoughtful. I think a lot of the reason that I love the other series is that I love both TV versions - and in some ways, even more than the books although they mesh very well. But it's a great start and made me much less sad about Shetland ending. She is so amazing with the descriptions - I felt like I WAS in Devon-

Sorry for the very very late reply! I'm thinking I'll actually manage to be on here a whole lot more now, with the whole self-isolation thing. Hope you're doing well, and sorry that it's affecting your yoga classes. I've been going here once a week to a Restorative/Yen class, which is SO relaxing and peaceful and wonderful, in an old building with a tin ceiling and brick walls...and they have stopped classes too, although they are going to try doing Zoom classes next week. Which will certainly be better than nothing, although I'll miss the old Farmer's Hardware building which is much more atmospheric and calming than my living room!

edna million noko ⋅ March 20, 2020

.... and of course I mean "yin", not "yen!"

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