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Phew. This has been involved. I made this recipe from the Well Fed website. Mine definitely doesn’t look as nice as hers, of course. First of all, I must say, that sunshine sauce is freaking del...

Sunday: I’m still in boo hiss mode, which is exactly why I think I shouldn’t quit. I did read an article on the site the other day about the second time being a lot harder, and it made me feel be...

Seriously. There was a whole food on the way to the theater I went to today, so I popped in on my way back. It was a whole30 paradise! I didn’t go full on shopping, but I did pick up some curry r...

This week has been pretty ho-hum so far (starting this draft on Wednesday, for reference.) Breakfast has just been some combo of eggs and veggies. My mason jar salads are NOT good this week. Oran...

I’m not pumped for it this time around, which tells me that I really need to be doing it. The sugar needs to effin go. I’m probably not going to post every day like last time, but I’ll make sure ...

Omg, you guys. I’m in umami heaven right now. This isn’t actually the recipe I mentioned that I was thinking about making (that one required more effort and I wasn’t feeling that much time over a...

I’m a little late, but I made the Clothes Make the Girl’s Chocolate Chili for the Super Bowl. I subbed turkey for beef because I’d been eating a lot of beef last week, and I didn’t have any of th...

I pretty much know I’m still eating w30 today and tomorrow (making chili for the super bowl!). Monday I think I’m going to do what I was thinking and throw some gluten pasta in my zucchini soup a...

Breakfast: eggs, zucchini soup, and a kiwi Lunch: orange chicken and a kiwi Dinner: roasted sweet potato, seasoned ground beef, zucchini, and an egg I was looking at super bowl recipes tonight fr...

Breakfast: Eggs and zucchini slaw Lunch: Orange chicken and cauliflower rice Dinner: seasoned beef with orange sauce, roasted broccoli, and diced tomatoes Pecans were also a theme throughout the ...

Day 26 Breakfast: egg salad over broccoli slaw Lunch: Aidell’s chicken sausage and zucchini soup Dinner: Leftover orange chicken over cauliflower rice. I snacked on some more egg salad after lunc...

For breakfast I scrambled eggs with chicken apple sausage, zucchini, and kale. Lunch: Avocado egg salad on top of broccoli slaw. This batch: 8 hard boiled eggs diced tomato (I didn’t measure, ju...

Crap. I got behind, and now I have to try to remember what I ate on Friday. Oh, wait, Friday was a bad day. I went to the grocery store hungry + I didn’t want to touch anything in the kitchen. No...

Last week! Well, last “official” week. I might go a little longer. Not sure yet. Breakfast: eggs, zucchini soup, and guac Lunch: The last of the casserole Dinner: My last turkey blueberry burger...

I figured I’d just tack the running news onto this entry so I don’t have a separate, short entry. Running first. I registered for my first race today! It’s not (hopefully!) going to be my first r...

Another incredibly exciting day in the land of leftovers. Breakfast: Eggs, broccoli, and guac Lunch: turkey blueberry burger, zucchini soup, guac, kiwi. I did actually have something different fo...

Day 18 Breakfast: eggs, peppers, kiwi, guac. Lunch: Turkey blueberry burger, guac, zucchini soup Dinner: leftover casserole Day 19 Breakfast: eggs, broccoli, guac Lunch: leftover casserole Dinner...

I decided against making the egg muffins. I don’t really have a good reason other than feeling cheap in the grocery store (why are bell peppers so freaking expensive here?! When I can even find t...

Breakfast: That’s just some scrambled eggs and broccoli with salsa and some guacamole. This guac is fabulous, but unfortunately I took off the outer label and can’t tell you what kind it is. I t...

This is going to be a pretty lame entry, but I realized I hadn’t written. I don’t even have a draft started. Oops! Things are still going strong in Whole30 land, and I’m successfully past the hal...

Breakfast! I scrambled some eggs with leftover sweet potato hash and ate a banana with some cashew butter. Lunch I had a salad. Greens, broccoli slaw, mango salsa, ground beef, ginger dressing, ...

January 12, 2015

W30 day 12 in Whole 30/post w30 eating

Breakfast: Burger, half an avocado, half a grapefruit, cauliflower soup Lunch: 3 eggs, broccoli, half an avocado, and a couple strawberries. Dinner: leftover chicken and some of this bad boy: It...

There may be some TMI later in this entry, just to warn you now. Breakfast: We’ve got a fried egg, a couple strawberries, a few blackberries, some zucchini because I felt guilty about the lack o...

It occurred to me that I never talked about the program rules specifically, all in one place, or why exactly I’m doing this. So I thought I’d share some information about the program in case anyo...

1 pm I’ve been far too lazy to take pictures so far today. Sorry. For breakfast I actually had exactly the same thing I ate yesterday. Lunch was a salad—mixed greens topped with broccoli slaw, zu...

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34 Entries