Flower Meadow

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April 09, 2020

Early April Update in In the Meadow

We are continuing with distance learning and school at home. The kids have been completing their assignments. The decision has been made that Advanced Placement Exams will be done at home. The...

This was our second week of school at home. It has gotten more organized. At first I was concerned about how the kids would do with distance learning. While it is a big transition, the school has...

March 20, 2020

School at Home in In the Meadow

We have been adjusting to school at home. I set up a schoolwork schedule for Aaron. He does his work in the morning. He then takes a break in the afternoon. Usually he goes running or digitally c...

March 18, 2020

Online School in In the Meadow

The kids’ school is closed indefinitely. The neighboring county schools are closed until at least April 20th. In practice since many of the school district employees live in the neighboring coun...

As of right now, school is still on for tomorrow. We will see what happens in the next few hours. New York has not been as willing to close schools as some states. The mayor of New York City h...

We are experiencing the general chaos that is affecting a lot of the world right now. The kids did not have school on Thursday, and today was already a scheduled conference day with no school fo...

March 03, 2020

Musical in In the Meadow

The musical went very well. I realized when I typed my entry on Friday I misspelled “Matilda.” ( I have a cousin Mathilda.) Shows how nervous I was, ha ha. They had shows on Friday and Saturd...

February 29, 2020

Musical and Running in In the Meadow

The musical is this weekend and we are very excited. They are doing “Mathilda.” It has been a lot of work to get to this point. The dress rehearsal was yesterday and everything looked great. ...

February 10, 2020

February Break in In the Meadow

The kids have the week off starting tomorrow for February break. We don’t have a lot planned. The twins will have rehearsal for the musical and Aaron will have an indoor track meet over the bre...

January has been very busy. Kayla and Timmy have each received acceptances to two colleges. They initially received emails and then letters in the mail. These are colleges that they liked when...

January 01, 2020

Last Day of 2019 in In the Meadow

We had a nice Christmas. We had a ham for dinner on Christmas Eve. There were sweet potatoes, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and dinner rolls (my favorite part.) The mashed potatoes didn’t turn ou...

December 23, 2019

Solstice Update in In the Meadow

The weeks since Thanksgiving have gone by quickly. Kayla and Timmy have finished their college applications. Now we are waiting on acceptances and financial packages. They applied to a fair nu...

November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Eve in In the Meadow

We are getting ready for Thanksgiving. There is not much to do, since we are going to my stepsister’s place for dinner. I am bringing along a noodle and cheese casserole and a pumpkin pie. So ...

I wanted to remember all the service members and veterans on this Veterans’ Day. Thank you you for your sacrifice so that we can have our freedoms. Kayla had senior night for diving and Timmy ha...

Timmy and Kayla had a good time at the homecoming dance. Aaron decided not to go to the dance and instead had a friend from school over to play video games. The dance ended at 10. Since Kayla ...

The first month of school is almost over. Kayla and Timmy have a fairly challenging courseload this year. They are taking AP English, Economics, Honors Calculus, Physics, and Spanish. They eac...

I need to catch up with everybody on prosebox. Sorry to be so far behind. The first two weeks of school are done. Since my kids are at the beginning and end of high school, they don’t have a tre...

Today was Aaron’s first day of high school and Kayla and Timmy’s last first day of high school. My aunt and uncle have a car they don’t really use. They surprised us by offering it for Timmy and...

August 23, 2019

Mountains in In the Meadow

School starts on September 5th. We have been having a good time on the last bit of summer vacation. We just got back from a long weekend in the Poconos. It was very restful. We stayed at a ch...

August 01, 2019

Vacation in In the Meadow

My husband’s family has been renting a cabin in Maine. We were invited to stay there this past week. It was a nice getaway. The cabin was right next to a lake. We went swimming quite a bit. ...

Right after summer vacation started, we had a visit from my dad. We had a good time. We went to Costco and he stocked us up on paper goods, which was nice of him. My dad retired a couple of ye...

Kayla and Timmy are having exams this week. Tomorrow is their last exam. They have taken U.S. History and Government, English Language Arts, Pre-Calculus, and Spanish. They will take Chemistry...

June 02, 2019

Start of June in In the Meadow

We have been continuing to deal with the joys and struggles of adolescence at our place. Aaron has slowly been telling me about the class trip to Washington. I have learned that eighth graders w...

My baby boy Aaron is fourteen years old today! To celebrate we are going to Dave and Buster’s. He wants to try all the new games. He was in Washington, D.C. for the eighth grade trip last week...

Kayla and Timmy are seventeen years old today. My babies are growing up! In truth, they are twelve months away from being grown-ups. This morning I was reflecting on how much they have changed...

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216 Entries