My journals sort through some things, my feelings and my faith mostly. I'm dealing with some major psychological problems but writing it out helps alot. All of these journals are intended to remain anonymous. If you somehow discover my identity please be respectful and keep this space and my thoughts private.
Entries 248
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Fuck this feeling in Phoenix Rises Again
Got super anxiety today during a video chat with Chey. I dont think it was about the call or about her. I think it was always there and I’ve just been burying it and distracting myself with phone...
It always comes back to you in Phoenix Rises Again
Got super anxiety today during a video chat with Chey. I dont think it was about the call or about her. I think it was always there and I’ve just been burying it and distracting myself with phone...
Today in Short Thoughts
Peak thinking time and motivation today: 4pm
Fear in Short Thoughts
Woke up with this terrible fear that something happened to my son while we were in another state. Out of nowhere. What is this? Panic attack? Bad dream? Mothers intuition? I dont even know what t...
Waste of a night in Phoenix Rises Again
It just hasn’t been the same without you Jay. The rock scene feels empty. I dont know why I bother going out anymore. Maybe I wont. Miss you terrible.
What to do about Kaylee Intro in Fiction 1
She cried on the phone today like I’ve never heard her cry before. It was scary because she never cries. She’s always been the strong one. I still don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what to...
Ashes to ashes in Phoenix Rises Again
It would seem that the days I have trouble getting you off my mind are the difficult days. The days when I feel like I’m shaking apart and might be better off dead than feeling like this. My mind...
Stress in Phoenix Rises Again
All the stress and anxiety from being constantly around my triggers is wearing me down. I’m shutting down. Avoiding people. Feel overwhelmed all the time. Dont have a safe place to chill and cope...
To Everyone Outside the US in Phoenix Rises Again
Does anyone know where I can go to get a free or low cost college education as a foreigner. I desperately want to go to med school. It’s too expensive here. Let me know how it works where you are...
Too Tired For This in Phoenix Rises Again
I am afraid. I’m afraid I will die before I get to see the world and chase my dreams and raise my child. And I’m afraid I’ll never see you again. I’m afraid I’ll never get to have one of those s...
Dreams in Phoenix Rises Again
Perhaps they are where hope goes to die. I dreamed of you again last night Jay. Twice. The first dream I remembered having had before. I don’t remember much now. In the 2nd dream it was Christmas...
-.- in Phoenix Rises Again
I’m in such an I’ll contented mood right now and I don’t even know why. I’ll be driving again in about a week. I should be happy. This is the missing piece of the puzzle. Now I can work again and...
Trying to Turn it Around in Phoenix Rises Again
My life is in a bad place all around. I know I’m supposed to be positive but first Ima just dump some things here they’ve been bothering me. 1. A guy put his dick in me without permission and now...
Almost Drowned in Phoenix Rises Again
I’m sitting in the calm before the storm, Wondering if it’ll be worth it this time. Or if maybe this time, The storm I conjured with raw honesty Will finally drown me for good. I asked for what I...
Restless in Phoenix Rises Again
I actually really enjoyed quarantine when I was in my own house. But here I’m trapped. I’m bored. I have nobody to talk to and just bullshit. It’s too cold to go outside. I cant sleep. This bed h...
None of my Business in Phoenix Rises Again
So I’ve been struggling with these thoughts not knowing if it’s a good idea to write them here. Having no idea who might be reading this, but I figure I’ll just say fuck it and go ahead. So if yo...
A Day at a Time in Phoenix Rises Again
My brains not having an easy time of it today. Hormones are a factor. Stress is a factor. But ultimately what it comes down to is that bad days are inevitable so let’s do that positivity thing ag...
Then the Clouds Rolled In in Phoenix Rises Again
And then my mother walked in and destroyed the beautiful sun, covering the sky with cloud. No sunset, no beautiful storm, just ugly grey clouds. She’s ridiculous. Absolutely no fucks given for pe...
Overthinking, Sunlight, and Monsters in Phoenix Rises Again
The show was amazing on a whole new level. But of course now I’m overthinking every social encounter I had the entire night, like I do. Jay jumped off the stage and proposed to his girlfriend an...
Show time in Phoenix Rises Again
Its not time to get ready for the show yet but I’ve been mentally getting ready for days. Feels like I cant breathe. Not literally just mentally. Haven’t been sleeping well and I’m probably gonna...
Practicing Positivity in Phoenix Rises Again
Not feeling very positive today so I’m here to practice. I’m gonna leave put all the bad stuff. Only positive statements. Here goes. I’m talking to a really cute girl who seems interested in me....
Epiphany in Phoenix Rises Again
The truest realizations about life can be hard to handle. I had a breakthrough or two the last couple days and I figured it might be wise to write them down. Maybe it’ll be an entry of more subst...
Cant sleep in Phoenix Rises Again
Couldn’t sleep yesterday. Cant sleep again today. I can pretend its because I’m sick, but truth be told, everytime I close my eyes I’m back at summer camp and Jay’s making me cry for the first ti...
Just Wasting My Time.. in Phoenix Rises Again
So I drove all the way here. Five and a half hours. Messed up my hotel reservation, had 200 bucks go missing from my account, exposed my son to covid and didnt even get to see Jay. His band pulle...
Flaw of the Mind in Phoenix Rises Again
Communication. Communication. Something I seem to be failing at. I’ve been told from the very beginning. Need to work on this. Need to do it better. ADHD. Emotional instability. I’m sick of my o...