invisible ink
genderiferous poemiscerous prosiverous
From the ether I rise. I bend light. I am erratic. It is the words I speak that turns the void to something measurable and capable of definition.
Entries 288
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the man of dark in Book of Lies.....
darkest man of what is this thing of brawn or tender kiss seen in dreams or on the screen pretty skirt then man obscene clearly seen yet ever blurred faithful words the truth obscured writte...
down to the dark in Words that Rhyme
fear has me trembling life’s no walk in the park the path I have traveled went down to the dark from birth to my dying it’s my last sad remark no tale worth the telling no ears by to hark a...
favorite places without words in Book of Lies.....
Okay just a few words..... there seems to be a theme.... but I just can’t put my finger on it…
poet am i in Words that Rhyme
innocent poet in the mirror look below and see me here didn’t know this purest face will redefine with mask in place as I aged I left my rhymes changed my hair, my face the times let it go for ...
sexist survey in Book of Lies.....
What’s the worse when it comes them dudes? You know when they talk they’re picturing you nude. How about when you are not acting a lady? they call you a slut for being so shady. When do boys fi...
don't tell it in rhyme in Words that Rhyme
everyone knows they say all the time to be taken serious don’t tell it rhyme as soon as they hear it or see it right here it’s all just tomfoolery for that we are clear sure there is Dickenso...
morning light in Book of Lies.....
The sun called me this morning. I looked to the sunrise and the sun could not spread it’s light across the sky. Instead she took all her energy and sent it straight up is a wide beam of gold and...
Red on the head in Kellie's Stuff
lest you are a head of dead dye it bright, the color red in younger days blonde they said but in a crowd stood out my red I never could take my blood red back so I said fuck it all and dyed it ...
Gerty ..... chapter 19.... in Things Previously Written
Just a taste right smack dab in the middle of a fairly long story I have been fabricating on the web.. Let me introduce you to me dear friend Gerty.... Melvin worried how much longer his legs cou...
Gaslight (7) in Gaslight
Murdoch stood at the water cooler with Mickey Phelps and Detective Harris. “This shit is getting scary guys. You got people dying on a daily basis and it’s not looking like some gang-banger shoot...
dreams of the night in Words that Rhyme
colors are swirling none shining bright most seem disturbing like dreams of the night images they haunt me praying for light nothing forthcoming just dreams of the night waking the nightmar...
Stealing from a friend..... in Book of Lies.....
Moth/Butterfly You are a Butterfly or Moth Wingéd! Butterfly and Moth Wingéd actually have two sets of wings, a forewing and a hindwing. They are made out of thin layers of chitin, webbed with ...
kiss me in Words that Rhyme
Kiss me on my tender lips my neck my nose my finger tips tell me that you’ll love me dear that I’m the one, you wish me near Hold me in your arms so tight whisper to me every night love me lik...
a place to sleep in Book of Lies.....
come with me a bed to sleep it not of dreams, a place to weep you see the sky from darkness’s ledge and put your life on razor’s edge the darkness found is in your head you’ll walk in sleep to ...
pretty places on empty faces in Book of Lies.....
There is more needed than looking at pictures of places to satisfy ones wanderlust. Yes it is lovely to look at and the colors are stimulating. But can you smell the salt in the air and feel the...
Our eyes inside of you in Words that Rhyme
don’t you want to know us are our eyes so stunning blue tender are our pouting lips are these words we speak so true what do we do at night when the lights are all down dim is it lovely or a fr...
A few more pics... in Kellie's Stuff
fractured thoughts in picture form in Kellie's Stuff
heaven's door in Words that Rhyme
Is there something past the sky is this where we go to die it’s there I’s way up high angels watch from there they cry Underneath is where I sleep pray to god my soul to keep prayers ...
survey since I can't get inspired for anything else in Book of Lies.....
How do you feel without your clothes Depends who’s looking I suppose Like ‘em tall or better short If they like me, we cavort Interesting thing that in the news Mainstream media a major snooze G...
survey of a different kind.... in Book of Lies.....
Where would you most like to stand? Somewhere warm in sugar sand. How’s your work, what do you do? I work with kids and parents too. Religious thoughts or things to say? Confusing shit I would sa...
inevitable in Book of Lies.....
Due to what we all know inevitable but hold as one of the greatest of fears, I have had to watch three deaths occur in my circle of life. The most difficult is one of my clients (age 14) who has...
super star in Words that Rhyme
special yes I seem to be glaring lights just for me nothing but a super star super fans, souped up car blood red lips with fancy clothes stunning I’m from head to toe just the person for you to...
dead of night in Words that Rhyme
dead of night is what I like I don’t like it light and bright dead of night is where I’ll stay won’t you too come out and play dead of night there is no life no demands that causes strife it’s th...
Something worthy of a look... in Book of Lies.....
I don’t get too political normally but sometimes music and images can tell a story worthy of thought and reflection.... a video for your consideration.... <iframe width="560" height="315" src...