invisible ink

genderiferous poemiscerous prosiverous

From the ether I rise. I bend light. I am erratic. It is the words I speak that turns the void to something measurable and capable of definition.

Gertrude Phelps

Entries 288

Page 6 of 12

September 02, 2015

the nothing in Words that Rhyme

alone it is written alone I shall be like a leaf in the forest with nary a tree stand I so single and single I be and what of you others who are alone next to me be crowded in nothing plent...

September 01, 2015

no words left in Book of Lies.....

sometimes, life really sucks.....

August 27, 2015

Gaslight (12) in Gaslight

Lydia sat in the car unmoving after Kate excited the vehicle. Kate walked around to the other side of the car and opened the passenger door. Instead of her normal demanding nature, Kate said, “...

You have know by now I have to spread the fashion that defines the day. Lets put it to music shall we. Kelli needs those gloves...... Are you beautiful..... and just a little sick like me…

August 25, 2015

grateful in Words that Rhyme

It’s right down the side walk by the side of the road the loveliest home of Mr. Frog and a Toad the birds like it too as a place for a drink they seem unconcerned with the taste or the stink wh...

I was sitting on my deck over the weekend late at night. It was a clear evening so the stars were at their best. It was quiet other than the crickets and frogs. The usual constellations. Still p...

August 13, 2015

a long walk.. in Book of Lies.....

Most have heard the cliché “take a long walk off a short pier”. A common cure for depression that amuses one and hopefully warms the heart to think better of the situation. We have a lovely pie...

August 11, 2015

Gaslight (11) in Gaslight

Kate stood in Lydia’s bedroom doorway while Lydia went through her closet looking for something black to wear. “Think funeral not wedding my sweet. ” Lydia’s hand were visibly shaken but it wa...

lonely sky lonely night lonely stars have lost their light lonely girl lonely boy nothing but each others toy lonely street lonely town crowded walks, no one around lonely heart lonely soul ...

August 07, 2015

end the beginning in Words that Rhyme

the end of the beginning may just be the middle but the middle of what can make it a riddle the middle of something can be very wide so any description should be taken in stride can the begin...

Bored to tears soooooo Sex is best in the morning, afternoon, or night? Having to pick one it is in the morning as long as oral hygiene is taken care of.... it’s all good What side of the b...

When you spend as much time reading small pieces of others lives as posted here one quickly realizes love and relationships are defining measures of many ones happiness. There is talk of happin...

August 04, 2015

look at me in Kellie's Stuff

look at me , into my eyes and tell me what I think it’s nothing but a pack of lies I say your bullshit stinks let us just take a sec and ponder your words said doesn’t it occur to you there...

this is nice… or think twice oh so pretty kinda shitty come and stay Run away Winter’s pretty just shovel a bitty oh yes it’s a bummer for those three months of summer

Do you have something you’re supposed to tell someone, but you haven’t yet? Yes and I am doing everything in my power to avoid it.... The nearest window to you now - what colour curtains are on t...

July 29, 2015

secret place in Words that Rhyme

I have a special secret place not in my room or wooden case not of this world or outer space or in a jar or hidden vase I hide some things I cannot share not sexy clothes or underwear its the stu...

July 28, 2015

lonely night in Book of Lies.....

Funny how we associate so many things life. We hear the word “cold” what is our thought. Bright? White? Cheerful? My guess is not. When I went to Aspen… it was cold, it was very bright and I wa...

Telling a child they cannot go home whether blame is placed upon them or their family is never an easy part of the job. The tears of youth still echo long and hard within the mind of the most se...

uppity down it’s around that we go a familiar old place we never did know a vision of blindness we see in the light a day full of darkness takes night out of sight stand we in stillness in room ...

July 24, 2015

naughty boys in Kellie's Stuff

surrounded by my naughty boys always peeking at my toys never something wise to say always wanting their own way lower cut and tighter shirt higher zippered shortest skirt only one thing in the...

A radiant sadness has crept upon us. A prevailing wind of darkness, invisible but hinted in our words A leprous stain on our inner flesh. It merits our attention yet we cure ourselves with words...

July 21, 2015

bathroom stall in Words that Rhyme

I take my pics made lean and tall when perched within the bathroom stall the walls are shiny the lights real bright makes clothes look dark, dark as night I keep my stuff, display my art I pu...

July 20, 2015

sticky pics in Kellie's Stuff

nothing said my mouth is dead still I want inside your head color me black and blue shut me up and pictures do… nothing more than pixeled words echoed through my eyes unheard

July 20, 2015

father in Kellie's Stuff

Father use to tell me you wear your clothes too tight and all about the dangers of being out so late at night boys they are a danger they say it’s just a kiss but sooner and not much later t...

July 17, 2015

thumbelina in Book of Lies.....

A travel story of me at age 19: After coming home from college for a week or two of the summer I got a call from a friend wanting me to come up and visit her on Mackinaw Island where she had summ...

Books 6

116 Entries

13 Entries

20 Entries

51 Entries

9 Entries

81 Entries