invisible ink

genderiferous poemiscerous prosiverous

From the ether I rise. I bend light. I am erratic. It is the words I speak that turns the void to something measurable and capable of definition.

Gertrude Phelps

Entries 288

Page 4 of 12

March 07, 2016

different ways in Words that Rhyme

black and white defines the day fallen leaves, they pave the way always thought the future bright the sunless days all turned to night endless seems the walk I take twists and turns of a mind s...

March 01, 2016

anything to say. in Kellie's Stuff

never anything to say pictures say it anyway butterfly all dressed in black fluttered down a darkened track flesh and blood with out a face hidden in the next disgrace comes as just a deep r...

February 29, 2016

the matrix is thee in Book of Lies.....

In the study of brain function as it relates to functions within the visible world it seems as though we become misguided by our use of vision, sound and smell. Yes, when we see a flower we think...

February 17, 2016

as real can be in Kellie's Stuff

this is how I like to pee feeling darker as you can see underneath a untrimmed tree icon pic in reality as normal as a norm can be and in the end it’s art you see

February 16, 2016

i'm having a problem in Kellie's Stuff

I’m having a problem explaining it all I wear my clothes tight or barely at all I’m fond of the corset or just wear a shirt and like it in black with a super short skirt as far as for color i...

February 12, 2016

Gerty (22) in Book of Lies.....

The grasshoppers scratched out the songs in the midday sun. The ditch had a dampness to it but the sun overwhelmed its cooling effect. Gerty could feel the trickle of sweat making its way down he...

February 12, 2016

No John Lennon Here in Book of Lies.....

I had a friend come to me and ask me to take some of my poetic skills and come up with lyrics for him to write a music around. He is picking up his guitar again after many years. Although rhyme ...

A survey stolen from SB… What level of brightness do you usually keep your phone at?: Bright Have you ever attended a religious or private school?: Public school all the way through then a lan...

January 06, 2016

More answers. in Book of Lies.....

To repeat… Favorite book: The Stand- Stephen King Least Favorite: The Ruins - Lee Child Children: thankfully none of my blood line although when you consider what I do for a career I have been wi...

First of all new year resolutions. I am not a big fan as most people seem to have the same year after year. But my goals are to continue to have a good financial year regardless of the goofs and...

January 05, 2016

flapperjacks in Book of Lies.....

Lets try this again. Last time I must of done something wrong as the entry was deleted. It has been almost a month since I have posted but if there is nothing to say then best to spend time readi...

December 07, 2015

christmas it isn't in Words that Rhyme

christmas it isn’t a present for me red and green lights, a beautiful tree shopping and hopping, run to and a fro always a moving with no where to go december, remember there are pretty lights...

December 01, 2015

nice and short in Words that Rhyme

I like my skirts nice and short showing all my skin shoulders out hair all about and see how I am thin I’m as real as real can be if your mind gives me a chance think real hard and see me be ...

November 25, 2015

thanks in Words that Rhyme

thanks is the word were all thinking about when I comes to this time of year reflecting on all the right and the wrongs and the people we call near and dear we kill us a bird or so I have heard ...

November 20, 2015

More of the same ... in Kellie's Stuff

I’ve decided to run a themed picture presentation. You may recognize my self inspired picture show.. It is suppose to be self deprecating humor… yet some may find the topic painful and self ind...

November 20, 2015

hello, hi there... in Words that Rhyme

hello hi there can you tell I’m not feeling very well complicated life for shore pick your poison on the door brings concern an utter dread pretty mask consumes my head truth let die and dream...

November 18, 2015

pane of glass in Book of Lies.....

We spend our lives in a constant state of evolution. Whether we evolve or devolve, humans do not function well in stasis. We constantly look for something different. Something better. Humorous ho...

November 11, 2015

survey... in Book of Lies.....

Will you agree to let a lover use your toothbrush? I could care less and I would never discourage someone who I wish to lay some lip on from be dentally hygienic.. In your bad dreams do you ever ...

Usually when one is inspired it comes from some long ago chronicle carved in the stone of a mindful soul of long ago. I wish I could say such is true for this entry. Actually, this post is a mix...

November 06, 2015

short thoughts in Book of Lies.....

Most of your oddities are your greatest commodities Thinking you’re something is your first step towards nothing The one in the mirror is not the person in here Your words mean nothing unless the...

November 03, 2015

twilight in Words that Rhyme

twilight isn’t day or night It’s just the dark when there is light it isn’t black and never white not time for bed but it is in sight this is when the sun will set radiant reds and purple’s ge...

November 03, 2015

questions in Book of Lies.....

Would you sit outside nude where you live and be comfortable no one would care? Doing it right now but its dark so guess yes,,,, ;-) What’s winter like? Well sbowy and cold but white and bright...

Alright. Questions… Have you ever met someone in person you first met online? I have never met anyone on line. I have never talked to them on the phone, skyped, texted or anything but emails and ...

October 29, 2015

bittersweet in Book of Lies.....

How do we define ourselves. Are we genetically or biologically prone to a state of happiness or despair? Can we look into the eyes of others and separate a chosen emotion over one innate with no ...

Been a strange couple of weeks. The desire to write is there but the echoes have ceased. I putter about at home. Place is looking well organized but there is little satisfaction in a well vacuume...

Books 6

116 Entries

13 Entries

20 Entries

51 Entries

9 Entries

81 Entries