ODSago ⋅ 83 ⋅
Been writing my story in a diary since I was eleven. I created my pathway through adult life partially from looking back at what I had written in my diaries, seeking what I might learn. I enjoy family, meditation, nature, the arts. 2014 was the most stressful, sad year of my life. 2018 and since then finds me moving with more comfort into the life of a widowed person, becoming more competent, more peaceful.
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.
Entries 70
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From a scrap of a magazine article I'd saved in Quotations to remember
“‘Who lives? Who dies? Who tells your story?’ It’s a question for the characters on that stage, and it’s also a question for the audience. It leaves you reckoning with: Wait, who does tell my...
A quotation I put in my diary in 2002 in Quotations to remember
“The truth knocks on the door. You say, ‘Go away. I’m looking for the truth.’ And so it goes away.” (Robert Pirsig –Quoted in The Art of Pilgrimage (37)).
Quotation Shared in The Soloist by Steve Lopez in Quotations to remember
Relationship is primary…it is possible to cause seemingly biochemical changes through human emotional involvement. You literally [can] change [a person’s] chemistry by being [a] friend. Dr. Mark ...
Quotation from Emerson in Quotations to remember
ON SUCCESS To laugh often & much. To win the respect of intelligent people & the affection of children. To earn the appreciation of honest critics & endure the betrayal of false frien...
Drinking excellent coffee in small cups Hot coffee, re: the small cup Making a gardening mistake and afterward knowing how to correct it Being the foster grandmother to two boys Living in a nei...
Where strength comes from, afterwards in Quotations to remember
Wordsworth’s Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood– Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, or glory in the flower; We will grieve not, r...
From a flip calendar in Quotations to remember
To love and be loved is like feeling both sides of the sun. David Vincent Found this on a diary entry in 2000, mentioned it was my favorite quotation of the past year on a flip calendar .
What has to be mastered in Quotations to remember
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, I have lived through this horror. I can take the ...
From the Talmud in Quotations to remember
Friends are the medicine of life.
From The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron in Quotations to remember
You don’t have to understand electricity to use it.
From an old black and white film in Quotations to remember
Father-in-law to widow: It’s been five years. When will you stop living your husband’s life and begin living yours? From: Together Again
Ten More Brilliant Things (after being 75) in Brilliant Things I Enjoy After My 75th Birthday
To read until 3 a.m. if you want to and no one asks if I know what time it is To choose a gift from an antique shop for a friend’s birthday that is 6 months in the future because you know she wi...
Knowing I was okay to stay alone in my house during the before, during, and end phases of Hurricane Irma. That someone can do that after age 75 and feel perfectly confident. That a tree could f...
August 5, 2017 Ten Brilliant Things I Experienced After 75 Toasted sandwiches of cheddar cheese covered with grated beets placed on seeded whole grain bread. Listening to the funny stories of se...
A day when I have a new novel to read and it rains outside all day The huge shadows that butterflies of normal size throw on the patio cement Reaching a Mac technical assistant and understanding...
A beautiful Georgia watermelon cut in half Rain falling just when it is needed Reading an entire book in one long session Foster children joining a family Posting poetry online A cooler day th...
That Rwandan coffee exists and is imported That people may now identify with gender variation choices, compared to the two gender options of old Remembering that when I was 14 I wrote a story, a...
Watching the rain fall on a mostly sunny day A great big tight and long hug from my friend who really cares for me A little boy running up the sidewalk toward me who is holding his arms wide ope...
Speaking to a new friend and finding she has common interests with me Light streaming down from the skylight Savoring the last of the first buds of a new hibiscus shrub Awakening whenever I aw...
December 30, 2016 in The Richness of Each Day, December 2016
The last day of December and I am satisfied with my life in ways that deepened this month. So grateful for this exercise in focus. It’s been the best December since Kermit died. A core of sadn...
December 29, 2016 in The Richness of Each Day, December 2016
The richest moment of this day was in realizing that when I took my car in for repair/30,000 mile check up, it only required a 13 minute drive from my new home, not an hour or more as it did from...
December 28, 2016 in The Richness of Each Day, December 2016
Wondering what experience will be the best today, writing here as I am, before noon, and realizing that my sense of wanting to know what is ahead is valuable, because it sets the scene within to ...
December 27, 2016 in The Richness of Each Day, December 2016
The richness in this day and all, I’d imagine, after the 25th, is that I know I did better on the passage of Kermit’s birthday, would have been his 78th. And, in the passage of the month I’d dre...
December 25th, 2016 in The Richness of Each Day, December 2016
The day was perfect. How rich each part of it was, the day spent alone and getting ready for the guests. The several visits from a big hawk out in the garden. A Christmas Hawk. Then the guest...
December 24, 2016 in The Richness of Each Day, December 2016
I am sitting in my chair in the sunroom, after watching It’s a Wonderful World, and I can’t count the times I have seen it. Could any other actor than Jimmy Stuart moved our hearts so totally, a...