Taco Cat
Entries 5
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So this is where we are... in Portrait of a....
After the last entry I spoke with the ex and finally ended it. I told him I couldn't continue to talk to him. It's too painful. I asked him not to contact me. He didn't. I didn't delete him fro...
Jesus and teletubbies? in Portrait of a....
My boss is listening to Beethoven's moonlight sonata. It's killing me. I played this for him in our last days together. He sat next to me at the piano, so closely. Afterwards he kissed me and sai...
first (and last?) contact in Portrait of a....
So I contacted him. Ha, I couldn't even last a week. Anyway, it wasn't a message asking for any answers, or saying what he did wrong, or what could have been done, or what could be done. The tr...
withdrawal in Portrait of a....
They just come. The tears. I can't stop them and the sound of my own crying makes me sad. Tonight I went with some friends to the theatre. Some shitty play, but i was grateful for the distracti...
I just don't know what to do in Portrait of a....
Dear Diary...Dear World...Dear You...Dear whoever may be reading this...Dear no one? I don't know I will have to figure that one out. I've just had my hearbroken. And I'm talking crushed. Tor...