Canadian Lass
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two weeks in A Day in the Life of Me
well tomorrow will be.... and we still find ourselves looking for him, or thinking we see him out the corner of our eye. Our friend M (i’ve mentioned her before… bossy friend..) started sending ...
Heartbroken in A Day in the Life of Me
It is with a very heavy heart that I post this news. Our beloved Felan crossed the rainbow bridge this evening. He was my best boi. He was a lover of every one, and didn’t have a mean bone in hi...
Bikes! in A Day in the Life of Me
We finally got our bikes today!! AAAAANNNDDD now our butts hurt… lol we went for two rides. The first was almost 2 hours, and we went from the store, to past home, down to a multi use trail, go...
Dodged that one.. in A Day in the Life of Me
Well a little sad .. I finally talked myself into the kitten, and she’s been rehomed already. Should have known better as it’s been a while, but I had been so focused on Fe, that even though I th...
Email in A Day in the Life of Me
Just wrote an email to the vet asking some tough questions. 1- if she would need to see Fe in person again to prescribe the inhaler 2- if they are partnered with any local pet cremation services ...
Another kitty update *warning* in A Day in the Life of Me
So. It’s not positive news. The vet figures he’s near “end stage lower airway inflammation scarring vs neoplasia” (off the report). He is currently back on the same meds as before for 3 weeks to ...
Kitty again again... in A Day in the Life of Me
Lol sorry not sorry, I called the vet this morning. He’s booked in for his scan tomorrow evening at 840, with the same vet who saw him at the start of April. Hopefully it’s not a heart crushing...
Kitty again... in A Day in the Life of Me
So, since the end of the other two rounds of meds, earlier in April, Felan’s cough fits have returned. The 1/4 dose every day that we tried of the last med has not helped, so tomorrow when I get ...
Day #idunnoilostcount in A Day in the Life of Me
So its 7pm at night and I have been banned to the bed.... Any of my regular readers who have been following me on FB have seen my days “adventures”. I made my FIRST ever Rappie pie, an Acadian d...
This Province in A Day in the Life of Me
Is strong, and we will rise again. It has been a shit show here since Sunday. Well, Saturday night really, but most of us didn’t know what was happening until Sunday morning. A man I will not na...
There back.. in A Day in the Life of Me
the cough fits, and the runny nose… we only have a few days left of the last med and it doesn’t seem to be the one that helped… I snuck a few drops of the Lung Gold into his wet food this morning...
Kitty update in A Day in the Life of Me
He had a cough fit today, but it’s the first one in about 3 days. We’re down to 1/4 dose as of today of his last med, that is now every other day, so that’s something. He’s looking better, he’s...
Kitty update in A Day in the Life of Me
He’s doing better!!!! He’s active again, not to much at the moment which is good, cause we don’t want him over doing it, but he bats around with a couple toys, and is loving up on us again. Sin...
Scared.. (long one) in A Day in the Life of Me
Yesterday I had the biggest scare.. anyone who follows my FB already knows the details, but for those who don’t, here’s the back story. I have a senior cat. He’s almost 14, I’ve had him since he...
more sad.. in A Day in the Life of Me
I just found out that a dear friend passed away yesterday. He was an older gent, that was a regular at the shows that we do with M. We all lovingly called him “The fudge Guy”, cause that was wh...
Stressed the fu@& out in A Day in the Life of Me
Stressful day. Did not get as far on the latest project as I had hoped, had to backtrack on a foundation piece, and a few other small things, so that slowed things down tonight. My regular reade...
Life is fragile, in A Day in the Life of Me
and unpredictable. Even at the best of times. I just found out, one of my childhood ‘friends’, who I haven’t spoken to in years, that my mom just recently reconnected with, was air lifted from ...
Self isolation week 1 in A Day in the Life of Me
Well, I’ve been on self isolation for a week now. Got the text from my manager last Sunday we would be closed effective immediately for 2 weeks with pay, then half way through this first one, she...
T.M.I (sexual) entry in A Day in the Life of Me
Ladies, have you ever had what I call a Lazy climax? Most times your going at it either oral or actual sex, and it’s all a quick wham bam, and then the after pleasure shocks, but this is just a...
1 week in A Day in the Life of Me
of VACATION!!!!!! As of 5pm today, i am off for my first ever winter weeks of vacation! It’s a weird sensation. Even weirder, was when Thursday I was in and our DM was in as well. He had been in...
Again.. in A Day in the Life of Me
Let’s see how long THIS round of “we’re gonna start working out regularly and get healthy!” lasts I am on day 1 of 3 days off. Tomorrow (Monday) is ‘Heritage day’ here, so everything is closed. ...
less stressed but more tired in A Day in the Life of Me
Exhausted really… been shit sleep for the past week or so.. But omg Work is so much easier to go through now with ppl who are competent, and able to take coaching, and basically do the damn job. ...
Hired in A Day in the Life of Me
So Boss hired my friend from my old job at the clothing store! She starts tuesday! So good to have a good team to work with again, I know that she will take a bit of getting used to the system an...
Sick and quit! in A Day in the Life of Me
1) Major cold here.. like massive, was starting to think i had a co-workers bronchitis. I am just starting to feel like I am coming out the other end of it now, and its been a bad one. I got sent...
New years in A Day in the Life of Me
was pretty quiet actually. Went to M & Gs, pretty much missed midnight, as we were watching The Witcher. lol Got a couple cool new books, and a new “Kill the Unicorns” card game. Didn’t ge...