anticlimatic ⋅ 42 ⋅

Fool and contradiction.

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We all have a distinct driving style. Can’t help but assume, based on how routine and repetitive it is, that most of the effort in navigating traffic occurs subconsciously. Stands to reason that ...

July 07, 2020

The Delivery in anticlimatic

It falls shorter than the promise. When I was young all my peers and role models were Gen X; passionate existential artists; fierce anti-establishment individualists- on a long path towards the c...

July 06, 2020

Life's a Beach in anticlimatic

Earth got lucky being just the right distance from the sun to both freeze and melt water at the same time- riding that line somewhere between the equator and the poles; between hot sand and cool ...

July 04, 2020

July 5th 1997 in anticlimatic

Whenever I think of the 4th, I’m always drawn into a very particular and fairly unlikely memory. I’ve had my share of parades, and fireworks, and BBQs, and traumatic events (an apartment complex ...

June 24, 2020

Lost in the throes in anticlimatic

What defines us? Today was full of rain, and even ten hours in I couldn’t bring myself to put down my tools and call it a day. I’m at a point I think, understandably so, where I am reevaluating m...

June 22, 2020

The Choice in anticlimatic

There comes a point in the grieving process when you have to make a choice. You can either miss the things that you appreciated, or you can appreciate the things that you miss. It’s an easy choic...

The first memory I have of my dad was in autumn, when I was three years old, the day the muffler fell off of his ancient piece of shit Ford pickup on the way to collect wood. It was a 70s era pic...

I think I might rename this cat “Rubber Band.” No matter how often I toss it away, it springs right back in my lap- often climbing my bare flesh with its claws to do so. A younger me might have c...

Discovered something this afternoon while I was on a hike through some old farmland way out on the seasonal roads west of town. It wasn’t much of a discovery, nothing I hadn’t really seen before ...

April 25, 2020

Summer in anticlimatic

“Then followed that beautiful season… Summer… Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape lay as if created in all the freshness of childhood.” -Longfellow Doubtless I’m...

April 04, 2020

Where am I? in anticlimatic

Just woke from a rather remarkable dream that I can only assume was a subconscious product of several needs I was feeling after last night’s meditations. I dreamt that I got in my truck and drove...

Remember that storm of future uncertainty that loomed over our later teen years and early adulthood? Seems like I’ve reclaimed it, I wonder if anyone else has. Noticed the pattern of feelings and...

February 23, 2020

The Darkness Beyond in anticlimatic

Congratulations, dear readers, for you have found the home of yours truly. Haven’t written in some time, for reasons too boring to burden you with, but I am pleased to report that my life has aga...

Books 1

259 Entries