Entries 89
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Revisited: On toys in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
Temporarily marooned without an internet connection. I’m typing in good old Wordpad. I can see the proper wireless connection on my computer, it trembles in the air, but when I choose it my bro...
Well, that guy does want to work with me. If all goes well, he’ll now email me his manuscript and I’ll start crunching on Friday morning, after the Fourth of July. . . . Always assuming I don’t m...
Uncle Dale / copyediting nibble / the garden in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
Yes, that’s soft rain outside my window. Perhaps now it’s gone. Yes, it is. It only lasted a little over a minute. I only knew from the faint sound of it. I love the sensitivity of having the wi...
More like troubled waking. Troubled Sleep is a Jean-Paul Sartre novel. Don’t read this one if you dread a mood plunge. I am foolish enough to set my alarm and answer it and drink coffee so that ...
On garden sales and garden smiles in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
The summer dawn is long and sweet. Far away across this unpretentious district of town, the birds are waking up. We are just off a three-day plant sale. A nice, pleasant time of talking with cust...
(Written elsewhere April 19th.) I downloaded the game Crusader Kings 2 some time ago when there was a special deal where it was free. The outcome: I’m in no danger of addiction. Whether I’ve even...
Mostly about children in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
Well, it would be shapely if I now went on into another Julian Simon-related tangent (there is one) . . . but no, at the moment I’m awake in the dark because of a thing about children. The cat i...
Well, here I am again. I’d intended to be, but thank Type 2 Diabetic Bladder for actually getting me up, and fifteen minutes before the alarm I’d set. (Man, I’m fat. Something about this single b...
I haven’t written in here in so insanely long. Checking: I see I’ve written a little more elsewhere, but it was all before the poem-entry I put in here on January 4th. I’m surprised I didn’t cr...
The sole escape that really works, the only thing that’s sweet: a megrim of involved concern, a fully-formed conceit. I plumb the contours of the thing, I puzzle myself gaily, and while I am ther...
(Two people were murdered on a MAX train and a third almost died when they tried to intervene when a man was screaming abuse at two teenage women, one of whom was wearing a hijab. It happened at...
Once Upon A Time In Fake New England in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
(A random memory I just typed up and posted elsewhere, crossposted here.) A very long time ago, when I was playing Age of Empires III and it was new to me, I . . . well, I’ve rarely ever tried f...
The one where I actually raged in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
(I should say for completeness that my mom talked for a long time on the phone with the uncle who was under discussion. and I listened. He sounded much more together than the feedback from my ot...
My uncle in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
So, I just got off the phone (my mom was on the line too) with my uncle. My other uncle on my mother’s side isn’t doing well. In some sort of memory way, that seems to have eaten his conversation...
So, who's awake? Open election comment thread. in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
I’ll just throw the floor open by saying I’m not feeling too good…
The election is five days away. This year! This year, with Donald Trump squatting on my brain like a toad and turning me into a helplessly hair-trigger tolling bore! Five days and it’s in the ...
(vulgarity tends to mean universality) in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
I guess I usually keep my more vulgar preoccupations out of here. Perhaps a good idea (certainly there’s enough advice around that says to keep your online identity inoffensive and irreproachabl...
Something important to communicate - this recipe for a sauce I found online; it’s “served all over Latin America with roasted meats” . . . “Creamy Cilantro-Lime Sauce INGREDIENTS 2 large jalapeño...
My laptop has been down for a week or so, a hardware issue needing a serious look that I’m scraping together dollars for, so I am on my mother’s. This is an uncomfortable situation. My mother ...
Bird story from a couple of weeks ago in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
(Arbi inspired me to go back and find this in Facebook.) FIRST UPDATE: Late afternoon yesterday. The mysterious bird back in the cluttered corner of the living room would not fly elsewhere, and...
Well, I’m awake. 2:30 a.m. Gurgly heartburny big fat tummy. It’s apparently thinking over the beef barbacoa and rice. Good for it. I pried myself up and switched on the harsh bathroom lights ...
There Are Bees In The Walls in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
. My parents talk after I turn out the light. They speak in low voices far into the night. They will stay together, because they can’t fight, Because of the bees in the walls. . My friends’ house...
Talkative walks and mud brick domes in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
. . . I need to walk faster. When I’m walking in flip-flops I naturally walk a bit more slowly than when I’m wearing regular shoes and can let my strides swing out. So today I was wearing flip-...
A shoddy week, and earthships in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
Not a week for eptness, so far. A couple of inadequately considered decisions . . . not disastrous ones, but not the best. With one of them I had time for the penny to drop and to change course...
The shame of not being one of Earth's heroes in The Amalgamated Aggromulator
I did not write anything for Earth Day yesterday. I thought of it, but I wasn’t up early, and Mom needed my time through the day . . . I don’t know what to say still. Aside from the same old so...