Entries 3,167
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so at home depot last night. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so last night i’d just gotten to Home Depot which evidently closes at 8 on sun. i thought it closed at 5 maybe 6. So a lady was going to the doors. and she looked at me like ‘um what are you doin...
yeah but maybe........on mentors. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so yall remember how annoyed i was/am by valerie.and people wasting my time. and people um insulting my intelligence. well that’ll probably return. right so as i mentioned valerie didn’t come yes...
scheduling thing again. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so today.I woke up at 2:10 which is weird since it’s been awhile since I’ve woken up before like 3.or later. um. and I was in a slight panic bc I thought i’d missed valerie coming. which means i ...
morning adventures. and fitzgerald. and books. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
ok so i.really don’t like the dark. So today at around maybe 2.a.m. my computer charger stopped working. [yes again]. well i don’t have another one [as of yet anyway]. I go to sleep when the sun ...
more on mon. scheduling. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so also. on mon. my mom asked if i’d told valerie about sun. valerie i’ve been getting together sun. but on an upcoming sun. my mom i are going to see a show which means valerie i won’t be able t...
so on mon. or whenever. and more on the flu shot thing. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so. Regarding the flu shot situation. i don’t remember being a part of the discussion. right and I wasn’t bc we didn’t have a discussion about it. She just replied to my note. which as i’ve alrea...'s just not your day. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
yes here i go. almost done. well for now. ok so my sister & I are getting along.she is 26. well she turned in Jan. i keep forgetting that. nothing new has sprung up in terms of us. ok so well...
so on Thurs. I went to my appt. it was hard. ok so the bus driver. When we got there he asks me again if i need/want help w/ my bags and says I have a lot of bags. yeah i know but I got them on t...
50 shades of.oh my. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so this really has nothing to do w/ anything other than it’s something that happened.lately. so on my computer I read 50 shades of gray via this app.thingy. yeah i have one of those ‘new’ dells. ...
so apparently. flu shot thing. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
this is one of those entries. where i’ll put what happened but i won’t as usual do anything about it. it’s um more news than anything. i think. probably. maybe. ok so. I still haven’t gotten my f...
from sun. the 18th to sat. the 24th in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
ya know. i write a wkly update every tues. about the previous wk. so i might start putting in um sun. - tues. of the wk. i’m writing. ok so on sun. the 18th. um valerie i went to..........mcdonal...
so valerie was supposed to come at 1 today. well i called her at 1:20. then 1:30. then 1;40...................and then 1;55. and nothing. she didn’t answer. so when i got my um charger working at...
computer thing. [this is long] in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
hi so i’m back. well i’d been at my house since Fri. which was when the charger of my computer decided to stop working. so early Sat. morning I oved it around you know so it could get a signal. a...
so, apparently. turnover [again] in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
and no not the food. um anyway. so apparently. susie’s not going to be my person anymore. she, stopped working for Support. The company the lady works for. yeah susie does what Milton did who did...
house meeting current stuff cutting liable in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so in a recent entry i put i’d had a house meeting on Mon. w/ susie, mary, debbie, myself & the lady. actually that was on Mon. the 29th.of aug. well part of it was about my sharps restrictio...
correction, again. regarding sun. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so on the.......11th was when valerie i went to jimmy john’s. not the 4th. on the 4th we went to the aurora mall and i got noodles cause i’ve been wanting noodles recently. i got asian noodles th...
from sun. the 11th to sat. the 17th. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so on sun. valerie i got together. we went to........oh god i don’t remember on mon. i don’t think i did anything. oh no i had my dental that’s right ok. on tues. i went to the store. on wed. i. ...
bus thing. huh so that was weird. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
again. copied from my fb: ‘huh. so that was weird. so last night i called the bus people at 8:10 to see why they hadn’t come. and the nice dispatch guy told me that they had the time for 7:30 - 8...
uncle news dad camping in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so like i mentioned in my last entry my uncle’s in town. yeah he’ll probably move here [he’s from here actually he just lives in CA. the one who talks a lot once he’s retired. oh ‘here’ being CO]...
from sun. the 4th to sat. the 10th in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
as usual. the wkly. entry. so on sun. the 4th valerie i got together. we went to jimmy john’s then target then the supernice king soopers where i got tea and vitaminwater. on um mon. i went to th...
um. so i got this internet stick thing. well that’s what i call it. oh yeah cause back when i went to get the hinges on my computer fixed the internet wasn’t working both at my house and at my mo...
evan stuff bird fish contentment in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so the last time evan & i talked. [which btw was almost 10 wks. 2.5 months ago. on fri. it’ll be. it’s mon. here atm] he said he just wants me to be happy. i have issues w/ that word and its ...
the pressure of other people bus call late thing the aug. 10th in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so in one of my recent entries i mentioned that. on aug. 10th the bus was late. well so the lady i were at the school. i called after 10 mins. of them having supposed to have been there. but see....
bus people thing in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
so lately. Things have been going well w/ the bus people. well for the most part. I’ve had the same night bus driver the past 3 or 4 times. i don’t know what her name is.they usually don’t introd...
so i have news. and it's not bad. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.
i found out this wk. that my mom i are again going to london the day after thanksgiving. just like we did last yr. she’s like ‘well we had such a nice time the last time we were there/we went’. a...