
Entries 175

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November 25, 2022

More than Bargained for in Trichotomy

‘Tis the season for performing I’m upstate now at the in-laws with La Professeure for Thanksgiving. It’s been a busy month because of the Carnegie Hall concert, and also because of the Christmas...

October 15, 2022

Sticker Shocks in Trichotomy

Electric future We bought a car. A couple of months ago our car started having occasional problems - every once in a while, it would have trouble starting, and when it did start, it would get st...

September 11, 2022

Fewer Arrows, More Wood in Trichotomy

Screwed over by the freeze This week I learned that the education department’s headcount was finally unfrozen, but it went to someone else… It seems that someone else interviewed for the role wh...

We had a relatively smooth transfer back home. We woke up at 3:30am for a 9:30am flight. The airport was 1 ½ hours away, so we needed to be there at 6:30am, so our bus was at 5am, but the ship ne...

We were supposed to be docked at Budapest today but instead docked at Komoran because of low water levels at Budapest. So we took a bus at 8:30, which arrived at 10. We went to Heroes Square firs...

Today is our third day in Vienna. We were going to sail out in the afternoon so it’s a short day. We went on an excursion to the Elmayer dance school for a waltz lesson and then to Mozart’s apart...

This was our full day in Vienna. We signed up for a longer version of the tour we did on our honeymoon. Our group was small because it costs extra, with only 7 people, which made it easy to hop o...

Today was a visit to Krems in the afternoon. But before that, we woke up to the ship entering the Melk Lock and the sight of Melk Abbey in the distance. After breakfast I went to the very front o...

Today I learned that Salzburg is named after its salt mine and castle, not because it is a hill with salt in it, and that I’d been misspelling it my whole life. We woke up early in the morning, ...

Today was the first excursion with the cruise proper, and I was struck again by how large the Viking ship is. Shipping off 200 people (actually 180, since the ship is only sailing at 90% capacity...

This was a transit day. We were to take the bus from Prague to Passau in the afternoon to board the ship, so we had a free morning. We had breakfast and checked out by 9:30, and spent 2 hours wal...

On my birthday we hired a private guide to take us to Hradec Kralove and Kutna Hora. We headed out at 8, arrived at 9:30, and were handed off to a special guide from Petrof for our own private to...

This was our first full day in Prague. It started at 8am with a city walking tour. We had a very good guide - well paced, informative, engaging, and entertaining. We got to the Jewish quarter fir...

It was 12.30 local time when we landed. Viking has people greeting us and herding us into a bus. It was a smooth transfer. Our hotel was right by the Vltava, but when we got to it, it was about 2...

We were supposed to go on a red-eye flight at 8:30pm. 8 hours flight + 6 hours time difference would put us in Prague at 10:30am the next day. We took an Uber to our train station and took the LI...

August 06, 2022

Rough Shots in Trichotomy

Move-blocked I had a meeting with the hiring manager and tech lead of the education team a few weeks ago. I met with the manager first and made it sound like it was going to be a boring job in t...

Money matters I finally heard from the education group at work, and that they got approval for a headcount. The manager said she would ping me when the opening is posted, so I am cautiously opti...

June 05, 2022

These times in Trichotomy

Nice while it lasted I heard from the Covid response team from work at the end of last week, so this week I’m allowed back to work. Even though for the most part I am still having virtual meetin...

May 21, 2022

Just Like a Cold in Trichotomy

Inevitable Well, it was going to happen some time. I performed with my amateure group two weeks ago (they were short of performers), and had dinner with a few friends afterwards. I suspect that...

Kind of back to work Starting from April, we had to physically go back to work for 3 days a week, but I took last week off, and took one day off the week before that, so I have spent a total of ...

March 19, 2022

On The Move in Trichotomy

Um… where’s everybody? Two years after the pandemic the office is slowly returning to normal. My office is going back to part time in-person next month, and March would be a “transition” period ...

February 27, 2022

And the winner is... in Trichotomy

Slow Progress It will have been 2 years of lockdown by next week. The two years passed by like a blink, since every day is so monotonous and there is nothing to really mark the passage of time. ...

January 30, 2022

Not My Problem in Trichotomy

The Nor'easter We got snow for about 12 hours straight, and ended up with about a foot on the driveway. But it wasn’t too bad to dig out since the snow wasn’t packed in. It only took ~2 hours fo...

January 09, 2022

Better Than Nothing in Trichotomy

Chasing a lost cause I started feeling stuffy down my chest on Friday, and stayed on the sofa for the whole day yesterday watching, amongst other things, FA Cup Match Of The Day and re-run of th...

December 26, 2021

Year-End Survey of 2021 in Trichotomy

1. What did you do in 2021 that you’d never done before? Bake 2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? No resolutions 3. Did anyone close to you give bir...

Books 7

16 Entries

15 Entries

96 Entries

11 Entries