WomanOfSteele ⋅ 41 ⋅
A lot to say and yet nothing at all. Read me if you like.
Entries 13
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Greece?? in Travel Book
Travel Bestie found an impossible deal on a 7-day Greek Islands cruise. And since our flights would be free other than departure tax (she’s a flight attendant and gives me the hookup - the perks ...
Alaska 2022 in Travel Book
My travel friend (I will refer to her as Travel Bestie or TB) and I are trying to come up with some plans for this year and it’s got me reminiscing about the Alaskan Cruise we went on last August...
Germany Pt 2 in Travel Book
DAY 4 - MONDAY - KASSEL & THE GERMAN FAIRY TALE ROUTE Monday morning, we woke up early and hit the road to Kassel. On the way, we stopped at an Aldi to pick up some picnic type food. NGL, I w...
Germany Pt 1 in Travel Book
I’ve been meaning to write about my trip and just haven’t had the right mindset to do it. Fell into quite a little funk after getting home from the trip, but I’ve pulled myself out of it and am f...
Mostly Private in Public Book
I’ve gone to mostly Private/Friends Only. Leave me a message here if you’re not currently on my friends list and would like to be.
The Ring Leader in L'Art
Had the urge to draw today. It had been a while. ;) Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln)
Well, this is definitely the coolest thing since sliced bread. WATCH: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=693468654044269 So after sharing this video on facebook this happened: [preface - we h...
Veterans Day Things in Travel Book
It’s Veterans Day here in the U.S. and it’s got me thinking of my first trip to Europe. Why would that have anything to do with Veterans Day you ask? Well, while we were in France, we spent some...
My Ireland in Travel Book
I just watched a video that was on my Facebook newsfeed. It was footage of someone’s trip. Seven Days in Ireland. God, I miss it. I seriously had tears in my eyes after watching that video. I mi...
The Doctor's Wife in L'Art
River Song is a BAMF and I will always love her. <3
Frodo Baggins in L'Art
Wow... look at the date. I drew this 10 years ago.
Mr. Knightley in L'Art
I always had a thing for him. ;)
Soul Window in L'Art
Got a graphic drawing tablet at work and I thought I'd have some fun with it. It's like drawing on paper! I love it. For some reason, I have an obsession with drawing eyes. I draw them everywhe...