softea ⋅ 35 ⋅
Light is the left hand of darkness and darkness the right hand of light. Two are one, life and death, lying together like lovers in kemmer, like hands joined together, like the end and the way.
Entries 21
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A very quick update in Passing Time (2015)
1) my mom is cancer free! And getting better fast! I can’t even fully express how thankful I am that my family is closing the book on that chapter and getting back to something like normal life. ...
! in The Daily (2014)
Guys I am getting married in 2.5 months what??!
Rambling in The Daily (2014)
Mom is only in her second week of radiation and the effects are already pretty brutal. She can hardly eat because the pain in her throat is so bad. She is already on morphine. And she still has t...
cancer in The Daily (2014)
sorry for fucking off for a while. I’ve had a lot going on in my life that I am trying to sift through. Not going to write about all of it because I hate writing catch up posts. My mom was diagn...
living situation complications in The Daily (2014)
quick entry because I am wanting to get an early bed and shit if stressful. for those of you I don't have on facebook, Liz and I are potentially facing having to move again. Our landlord has pro...
Belize :) in The Daily (2014)
so, I didn't make the time to write about my trip right when I got home, but I figure I should now! I have other stuff to write about as well, but figure that Belize should have it's own entry. ...
a heads up for new readers in The Daily (2014)
Almost all of my posts are for friend's only. If you are interested in reading them, leave me a note :)
work, rats, and sickness in The Daily (2014)
haven't written in a while, and I've been terrible about noting- though I have been reading a bit when I can find time! I've just been so busy. Work is going well. I didn't get the coaching pos...
Guess who just finished her last paper of her undergrad? in The Daily (2014)
This girl!
Grades coming in... in The Daily (2014)
The real action is one entry back in the friends only book. But, I have gotten two of my final grades back… an A- in my Oral history Practicum and (unsurprisingly) a C- in Math 190…. I am not su...
Oral History Project Frustrations in The Daily (2014)
I am feeling really frustrated today. I am frustrated with my group member for my oral history project. I did three interviews, each an hour in length, and I produced thorough summary transcript...
On Fred Phelps and Complicated Feelings in The Daily (2014)
Mulling over some thoughts regarding the death of Fred Phelps and the reactions I have seen so far online to it. The Phelps family and their (small) church is very easy to hate. But, what does ...
a little bit of a ramble on sugar and my brother, mostly in The Daily (2014)
So, I think I realized something that is a serious exacerbating factor in my anxiety: sugar consumption. Over the last few months or so I had been feeling quite a bit better in terms of fatigue. ...
quick update from phone in The Daily (2014)
Short short update from my phone because it looks like my computer may have kicked the bucket. My brother is in town so I met him today on campus where he was working on a work project. Going t...
"Let these ladies on first" in The Daily (2014)
So, I don't have full post right now, but something kind of neat happened that I thought I would share. We were heading back from the grocery store, and as we were heading to get on the bus, a...
Thankful Thursday/ Silly Putty in The Daily (2014)
Today was my math exam. I think I passed but not by a great margin. It is only worth 10% though. I can bounce back. Not too much other than this. Today was tiring. I don't even know if I can fu...
Welcome Back Anxiety! in The Daily (2014)
I've already posted once today. But I am anxious. So I am posting again. This is very frustrating because my anxiety has really been under control for quite a while. I was feeling moderately in...
The Cabin *Edit* in The Daily (2014)
Well, onto cold day two. This really sucks. It took me about 3 times as long as it should have to finish my math assignment because I still have slow sick brain and my throat is so sore. Then, I ...
Oral History Practicum and the Demise of OD in The Daily (2014)
I don't know if I mentioned this in any of my previous entries but I am currently enrolled in an Oral History practicum. I'm working with another girl in the class on a project interviewing membe...
Feeling Five Ways at Once in The Daily (2014)
I don't know what is up with me lately. How can I be so suspended between so many different feelings? Yesterday I met Katie while I was studying for a cup of tea that turned into 4 hours of conve...
Welbutrin and a Wedding (Crossposted from OD) in The Daily (2014)
I figured I should give you all an update so you don't think I went and offed myself, har har (terrible joke.) I am doing better. A bit. I just got started on Wellbutrin annnnd adjusting has bee...