
Writer from an early age...trying out journaling as a way of getting rid of the writers block!

Entries 33

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September 18, 2024

Flirting... in Thoughts on thoughts

So I guess I’m either really Nieve or just stupid… but I think a co worker is flirting with me but also.. I could just be overthinking things.. He talks to another co worker like a sister but w...

September 09, 2024

Vivid dreams... in Thoughts on thoughts

I don’t really know how to start this entry or even post it..cause it’s weird and wild, I think I just need to get it out there… out of my brain.. I had a inappropriate dream about som...

I haven’t written in a while. I haven’t been on here in so long. I didn’t think I had any reason to write anymore. My depression takes a deep end and I go into hiding… I have to watch another on...

So sorry y’all for doing a lot of TMI in this blog… started my period so I’m full of rage, headaches and cramps! My thought process for the day is…WHY am I still having to go through this stupid ...

This entry is gonna be a pitty party entry, so apologies in advance… I am feeling very worthless lately, that I have accomplished nothing in my life and that all I am doing is wrecking other peop...

My poor Chief has been itching himself raw over the last couple of weeks, we were finally able to take him to the vet over the weekend and he has a yeast infection.. thankfully the vet gave us so...

Ugh.. not again..haha.. who actually likes Mondays? The weekend went by fast, too fast, like every weekend. But it was a fun one. Stayed at my dad’s Saturday night with my sister and her two old...

Ugh, I hate how hard it is to make friends as an adult. But I have put some BIG feet forward in doing emails and talking to people on a facebook group.. I’m not saying my husband is boring, I’m j...

Although I had an unscheduled day off yesterday due to the car not starting it still messes up my schedule.. I am one day closer to the weekend but still, why can’t it be Friday already. I am tr...

I did my teadmill last night, I have an IFit app on my phone that is bluetooth compatible with the teadmill. They have great workouts on there, stating slow with the walking, if I get brave enoug...

I’m fat, gonna just put it out not a little I’m 223 lbs. This is too much! I know what the problem is but damn… sodas are a killer for sure, that and bread…which I can find meals with n...

I do love weekends.. but because I’m broke it sucks because there’s nothing to do, or just not creative enough to find something in the 100 degree weather! In a couple weeks I’m gonna get my shou...

June 06, 2024

Boring.. in Thoughts on thoughts

As I have realized and always thought.. I’m boring.. that’s why I can’t write anything and that’s why I’m so worried about publishing anything I do write.. it’s boring and dull.. ugh.. well, ther...

Anything that could go wrong today, well has… It’s hard to explain but it just feels like Monday. It got busy at work, our system went up and down. Of course my massive headache did not help the...

I’ve gotten on a facebook group for pen pals. Looking at all their colorful envelops and stickers and things, I realized I’m not that creative. I’ve written out a couple of letters to some people...

I had a thought, I was gonna jot down.. but my mind went blank… it does that sometimes, especially when I am at work, I always feel like I need to get things off my chest to breath but at times, ...

Sometimes I just wanna write, even if it makes absolutely no sense. I think that’s why I love writing stories. I have notebooks full of just things that make no sense, but in a way, it calms me, ...

I love having a 4 day weekend, but now my Tuesday feels like a Monday. I feel like the 4 day weekend was beneficial since I was able to get some stuff done, but it also was so fast I felt like I ...

I guess I can officially say this would be the first time I’ve experienced being in an actual tornado! I’ve seen them and been close but this time was just terrifying to say the least! I was fine...

So I guess I’m not that kind of dog mom, I don’t dress up my animals in clothes or do a big birthday party but I do celebrate their birthdays as far as giving extra treats. I am unable to have ki...

So today I’m working solo, which means rooming patients, making appointments and answering phones with a coworker out getting her wisdom teeth removed. It’s fine because it’s a pretty slow day… p...

Middle of the week means time to do my grocery list for the next week. Hubby and I go grocery shopping weekly, it’s easier that way so we don’t buy so much for the month that we don’t eat and goe...

I’m just on a down spiral sometimes I think… I know it’s hard making friends as an adult but damn… I know being a military brat and traveling makes it hard… but finally settling down making roots...

I don’t know if I have a title for this or not just yet… When I decided to start this journaling process, I was only into it to make up a fun story while going through just to see if my writers b...

May 09, 2024

Songs... in Thoughts on thoughts

Usually I don’t get on here and write twice in one day but I had to just jot this down… Isn’t it weird how certain songs can just bring up memories, any kind of memory whether good or bad.. Funny...

Books 1

38 Entries