Pusscat5862 ⋅ 59 ⋅

Female. Happily married. Animal/women/disabled/earth/LGBTQ+ supporter. Working f/t self-employed. 100% Atheist. Loves teddy bears, horror/psycho books and films, Monster drink, PG Tips tea. Hates any sort of coffee including in food, discrimination/cruelty to animals/females/disabled. Weird sense of humour! I'm on Twitter: @OhCobblers2That Instagram and Threads: @stickybear5660 CounterSocial:@LittleFatty

Thomas Bailey Aldrich - Flower and Thorn 1882.

Rachel Lynch. D.M Mark and S.J Parris.

Entries 107

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April 19, 2024

Poor Hubby! in BAH HUMBUG!

A couple of days ago he damaged his right foot when doing some renovations. He dropped some tiles on it. It’s swollen up quite bad and a bit red. I’ve applied Teatmint Cow Cream to it all over th...

Sometime in the early hours I was up again, sat on the edge of the bed washing Ibuprofen down with an entire bottle of Corona Extra trying to ease the agonizing back and hip pain! I have a huge...

April 12, 2024

UGH! in I Can't Stand Them!

It’s been coming up on the internet that us British/English are trying to come up with new ways to save money. Brilliant ideas are being added but there’s one I can’t get my head around and do .....

A few weeks ago when hubby lost his Nitrolingual heart spray bottle so I ordered him another one online and it’s in his desk at his office at work, then I was going to order him another for home....

Hubby had me dying of laughter about 3am! I’d got out of bed for a drink and he was snuggled in bed laying on his left side with our cat laying over his left arm and they were all cosy together. ...

Had another rough night with it again last night! I call it pesterpause and monsterpause! Got to keep laughing about it, no point in grumping! I was sat on the edge of the bed last night about 1...

Can I post now?

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