Pusscat5862 ⋅ 59 ⋅

Female. Happily married. Animal/women/disabled/earth/LGBTQ+ supporter. Working f/t self-employed. 100% Atheist. Loves teddy bears, horror/psycho books and films, Monster drink, PG Tips tea. Hates any sort of coffee including in food, discrimination/cruelty to animals/females/disabled. Weird sense of humour! I'm on Twitter: @OhCobblers2That Instagram and Threads: @stickybear5660 CounterSocial:@LittleFatty

Thomas Bailey Aldrich - Flower and Thorn 1882.

Rachel Lynch. D.M Mark and S.J Parris.

Entries 106

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We had a gorgeous storm over here last night! Loads of thunder lightening and rain! I loved it! Thankfully our little cat isn’t bothered by it. She was snoring on the livingroom windowsill and i...

I don’t know where I was but it was at night time. Someone told me my flat had been broken into by ”The Intruder” as he was known as he had a reputation for breaking into blocks. I ran home and h...

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNST4O1XcAAMLsb?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNSUgO0XkAAwiR4?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 Sixty tins of untamed to keep our little cat well s...

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNST4O1XcAAMLsb?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNSUgO0XkAAwiR4?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 Sixty tins of untamed to keep our little cat well s...

I’m exceptionally tired, lacking energy, unable to keep my eyes open and can’t concentrate on anything here at work! I’m guzzling a can of Monster Ultra trying to prop my eyes open!

It’s 2:23pm and I’ve just come back from the ceremony. Regarding the new Mayor etc. etc. We all had lovely filling dinners, puds, soft drinks and tea. Lots of laughs and standing ovations and so ...

My hubby is a town councillor and they have meetings every month in person and some on Zoom etc. and once a year they have a big parade where various councillor’s have to walk around the town i...

About 6:50am I moved my right leg in bed and screamed the place down as cramp grabbed my calf! I shot out of bed at speed but accidentally woke my hubby and our cat, who was by our feet on the du...

Caveman, 1981 with Ringo Starr. Hubby and I watched it last night and absolutely howled with laughter! Watch the end with the Actors Credits, they even name the dinosaurs! It was one of the fu...

May 05, 2024

Got Ya, Ya Bastard! in WEEEE!

The tooth that feels like a huge boulder in my mouth but in reality is only a little thing has finally come out after wobbling for a few days!

We had a lovely lady in our shop who left a few minutes ago. She’s been in before. Beautiful Irish accent, maybe in her 70s, very polite etc. quite small and you know what? I don’t think she was ...



May 03, 2024

This Is Me! in BAH HUMBUG!


Our cat is named Wopsie and my husband has a hot water bottle cover with 2 balls on a cord that he calls his bollocks! Wopsie was laying/sleeping on the livingroom windowsill. Hubby got into bed...

The 2 Cavalry horses that were injured in the London run-off, Quaker and Vida have gone through surgery and are expected to make a good recovery! YESSSS!

April 29, 2024

Day Trip Postponed! in BAH HUMBUG!

Today, 29th April 2024 is my 59th birthday. A few days ago hubby and I had decided to take today off work … we’re f/t self-employed business owners … and jump on either the train or bus somewhere...

‘’To be disappointed about the book? My daughter is in her mid-twenties. For Xmas she bought me a slim paperback book. I thought at the time it was a fairly modest gift but thanked her and put it...

April 26, 2024

Cavalry Horses. in BAH HUMBUG!

Those poor 5 Cavalry horses that did a 6 mile rampage around London, no wonder they tossed their riders off. Apparently, according to what I read today, they’re kept in their holdings for up to ...

April 24, 2024

Moon in WEEEE!

There was a HUGE full moon last night over our bedroom, it was incredibly bright and really gorgeous, like it was watching over us and protecting us.

April 23, 2024


I won’t be here at all on Monday 29th April, it’ll be my 59th birthday so hubby and I will take a day off work and jump on the bus or train somewhere for the day! Find a cafe for Full English/mug...

So hubby and I are always in one of our local shops that sells all kinds of things at cheep prices, you can buy something in the local chemist for £7.00 but this shop has basically the same thing...

April 22, 2024

Joke! in Killing Myself Laughing!

What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny! HA!

It’s 2:18pm here at work on Saturday 20th April. On Monday we made £10.50 and Tuesday £2.00 and no sales for the rest of the week! It’s so dead quiet out there again with barely anyone around! Th...

April 19, 2024

Poor Hubby! in BAH HUMBUG!

A couple of days ago he damaged his right foot when doing some renovations. He dropped some tiles on it. It’s swollen up quite bad and a bit red. I’ve applied Teatmint Cow Cream to it all over th...

Books 9

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