Pusscat5862 ⋅ 59 ⋅

Female. Happily married. Animal/women/disabled/earth/LGBTQ+ supporter. Working f/t self-employed. 100% Atheist. Loves teddy bears, horror/psycho books and films, Monster drink, PG Tips tea. Hates any sort of coffee including in food, discrimination/cruelty to animals. Weird sense of humour! I'm on Twitter: @OhCobblers2That Instagram and Threads: @stickybear5660 Bluesky: @needlefelter59.bsky.social

IDENTITY by Thomas Bailey Aldrich.

Rachel Lynch. D.M Mark and S.J Parris.

Entries 169

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I don’t know what made me think of it as it happened years ago and I’d forgotten about it but I’m 59 and when I was a small kid in 1970 I was sent to the local corner shop for something. I was v...

February 21, 2025

Stroppy Sue! in BAH HUMBUG!

I upset Stroppy Sue yesterday! She’s one of our neighbours, I’m guessing her age but I’d say late 60s or early 70s. She’s nice enough and quite pleasant but she’s **SO PIGGIN’ NEGATIVE! ** She...

Last night in bed I was laying on my right side and hubby was also on his right side. Our little cat was sat on his pillow above his head, as hubby turned over to his left side, as he grabbed t...

to my gorgeous hubby, Mark! We were officially married on 17th February 2011 and been together since September 2007! I absolutely worship him and he knows it! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gj-oIMI...

February 14, 2025

OMG! We're So Happy! in YES YES YES!

Our little cat used to love sleeping in bed with us, sooner or later she’d get in and snuggle down, singing away and kissing and cuddling us then for some unknown reason she completely stopped f...

anyway but feel like one proudly carrying a Brita bottle in public! https://static.wireclub.com/images/Z6y9CEYx_qffGmbJ0/Mjc3LDYwMCxBQUFBQUNBRHd3WTEtNA2

About 2am we were in the kitchen after both getting up desperate for a drink, we decided on Nestle Nesquik Strawberry. We have on the worktop 3 tubs of Banana and 3 of Strawberry. He set the...

February 08, 2025

Nice Thoughts In Our Heads. in WEEEE!

We live in a small town of only 3,048 residence here in the UK, it’s an ancient place with little cobbled back alleys and old buildings going back hundreds of years. The building we live in date...

February 05, 2025

HA HA HA! in Killing Myself Laughing!

A blonde wanted to try out ice fishing. She went out and purchased all the gear she would need and headed to a local spot to try to catch some fish. She went out onto the ice with her gear and a...

obsessing over watching the gaffe’s and bloopers of Prisoner Cell Bloch H! I’m on Part 21 so far! There’s some hilarious mistakes in there!

January 25, 2025

They've Arrived! in YES YES YES!

Yesterday morning I ordered 5 lots of clothing from a well-known supermarket here in the UK. I paid £4.95 for next day delivery, coming by Yodel deliveries. The company are brilliant and kept me...

January 24, 2025

Storm Eowyn in YES YES YES!

Here In The UK Is Great!

But I’m so happy the thrush is easing off! It’s non-sexual and another symptom of the dreaded menopause! For about 2 weeks it **really ** flared up with agonizing ridges and lumps and horrendou...

January 23, 2025

Ratbag! in Killing Myself Laughing!

Last night at dinner I was trying to have that and read my Love It! magazine but hubby kept interrupting, putting me off reading! After 3 minutes I gave up and plonked the magazine down on the ...

With this weird bug we thought was a cold but it turns out to be some sort of Covid strain. I started off with a cold but couldn’t get rid of it, even a month later I still felt really weak, b...

January 22, 2025

NEVER... in Killing Myself Laughing!

kiss your honey when your nose is runny. You may think it’s funny but it’snot!

The man in his 60s who owns the shop and had heart surgery just before Christmas then a stroke just after has decided he won’t be coming back as he wanted too. The shop is now officially sold ...

January 14, 2025

Another Rough Night! in BAH HUMBUG!

Menopause .... bastardpause as I call you, BE GONE! I was in agony with it again last night and it made me feel like I’d eaten full balloons for dinner! Somewhere around 4 this morning my hub...

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GhPlya0XgAEBMK6?format=jpg&name=large Here’s our little baby snuggling with her hot water bottle!

But I’ll get one tomorrow morning. It’s Minus something seriously cold out again here in the UK so again we made up a hot water bottle for our little cat who loves sleeping on hubby’s arm chai...

A man in his 60s who owns a local shop was taken to hospital just before Christmas with heart problems, he was due to be put in to ICU but it was cancelled because of no beds available but they ...

January 06, 2025

Oh Didums! in BAH HUMBUG!

It’s 12:15pm here at work, I opened at 8 and haven’t had anyone in apart from our window cleaner so I could pay him! He comes around monthly on the 26th usually but it was the 28th this time bec...

December 25, 2024

Thank you! in YES YES YES!

I don’t do Christmas being Atheist but I want to thank all the emergency crews - Police Fire and Medics - all over the world for being on duty on the 25th of December.

December 24, 2024

Treated Myself! in YES YES YES!

Today I went into three lovely local gift shops and bought myself 3 things! In shop B, I’m 60 in April of 2025 so bought myself a mug with 60 on it! At least I can’t forget my up-coming age!...

December 24, 2024

My Last Day For A While in YES YES YES!

It’s Tuesday 24th December 2024, 9:25am and our last shift for a few days because as of 25th we’ve got an entire week off work! YIPPEEDOOO!

Books 9

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