Park Row Fallout ⋅ 40 ⋅

Midwest Attorney trying to navigate the waters of life

Each person feels pain in his own way, each has his own scars.

Haruki Murakami

Entries 2,332

Page 67 of 94

O M G I am passionately sick of seeing the same families and same names come up on charges around here. Considering how few people live in this county… I’m starting to think that we have ...

August 25, 2016

ZzZ in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

As expected, another entry. ALL I WANT TO DO IS SLEEP! Please? I just want to go back to sleep. Who knows if I’ll be able to sell that pitch. Because today, I am absolutely making that pitch. ...

Set my alarm for 6 am this morning. Woke up, turned off the alarm… realized I was sweating and shivering. Not excellent. Went back to sleep hoping that I’d feel better. Woke up at 7:30 am and...

It is simply another day. Slept. Didn’t want to get out of bed for anything. Dragged my ass into the shower because it is a court day. Short court day. Heard a list of reasons why people sho...

Yes I spelled color the non-american way.... because I felt like it. A force of hate will rise as the Red Lantern is anointed in blood, the bearer’s rage unfiltered and unchecked. RED = ANGER A...

August 23, 2016

CHEAP! in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

So… fun new information (and a strong sense of deja vu)… my spring training for my job… y’know… training for my job… apparently, I have to pay for it. The county doesn’t pay.... according to my ...

August 23, 2016

Loser in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

This place is defeating me. Wife said we should drink last night while we watched TV. I drank too much. Wife is very upset claiming we need to stop drinking. She’s right. Why have I been dri...

Thank you all for your notes over the weekend. It was… a weekend, I suppose. I don’t know what my wife’s deal is. Even if I revert when I’m back home (which may or may not really be happening ...

Briefly, for the record… this weekend has not been good. Last night wife got back from work and we left for DM. On the trip, Wife was extremely irate and pissy because she couldn’t synch her t...

Damn. It happened again. Woke up at 3 am for no reason. Honestly don’t know why. But hopefully, spending time in Des Moines this weekend will help. Maybe help relax me, de-stress me. A retu...

Ha… play on words. My sleeping last night was all off. Went to bed around 11, fell asleep around midnight, woke up at 3, then woke up at 5, then woke up at 6, then woke up at 7… all… stupid. So...

Slept in today; because depression wants sleep. Still a bit jealous of the wife… she gets to sleep in as late as she wants to most days. Bah. Court Day… promises to be… empty. Another day wher...

Yes… this is how “lovely” it is around here. That I need to flood all of you lovely people with yet another entry. In my defense, Entry 1 was about the Weekend and the urgency with which Wife a...

So… the weekend sucked. Pretty much expected around here… it is why nobody in this town stays around here on the weekends. Well, that isn’t true. Some folks stay around. These are the folks I...

I woke up at 6 am this morning; but instead of going back to sleep, I figured… what the hell. Watched some news… decent. It is strange how I don’t realize how little television I watch these da...

Bah. Last night, I couldn’t sleep. Not sure if it was body pain, or hunger, or general discomfort or what. But I didn’t actually nod off until after 4 am. Wife woke up at 5 am because of a MAS...

Doing this from my phone. Disappointing day for the most part. -The cable guy did NOT come yesterday. Gave a huge window 8am to 8pm… and still didn’t show up. -Court today… have to be at court at...

SO… I did actually get all of my expected work done almost first thing. And… then… yeah. The rest of the afternoon was boring and painful. I suppose I could have gone home (see if anybody tries ...

Good morning to all. I am at work before 7 am… because the Cable Guys need to come to my place and they gave the customer-friendly and oh-so specific appointment time of “between 8 am and 8 pm”. ...

August 08, 2016

Iowa in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

Cecilia informed me of an interesting list that just recently came out. 10 Worst Places to Live in Iowa. Now, we figure we weren’t on the list because the smallest town analyzed was 5,000 people...

This weekend… was rough. Rough weekend. Yeah. How was this weekend? Saturday, I had high hopes. I woke up early, I got the lawn mowed before noon… things were looking good. Then I started co...

August 08, 2016

Prompt in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

You’re in for a doozy when I publish my “regular entry” today. I suppose the day hasn’t been too terribly different from any other day but… that isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement. PREVIEW OF ...

August 05, 2016

The 44 in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

I just thought of something… I deal with a lot of men on meth who also have violent tendencies (likely caused BY the meth). But they all have the same common features and I could not find a suit...

It is Friday. The first Friday of the month. I expect this day… to blow. To blow hard. Got into work early just so I could gather my thoughts and paperwork before I tackle my 13 Juven...

Another day… hooray. Last night was interesting enough. Went from work to the Liquor Store to home. As soon as I got home, I said to Wife… “I need your help. I had fully intended to work out ...