Park Row Fallout ⋅ 40 ⋅
Midwest Attorney trying to navigate the waters of life
Each person feels pain in his own way, each has his own scars.
Entries 2,332
Page 62 of 94
Live Broadcasting in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
8:00 a.m. I had the oddest dream last night. I was holding three jobs that could be done simultaneously but unethically. I was delivering Book Storage to businesses, selling security devices do...
Surprising Days in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
I woke up this morning and was still so tired. Really getting sick of that. A classic sign of depression, of course, but there is also the fact that… well… this county is a dark, wintry place t...
Mah n NoJoMo in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
(1) One thing I dislike about the new Prosebox Format is that it is no longer as User Friendly to discover when I have new notes or new bookmarks. Sometimes there will be the in-page prompt but ...
From the Back to the Middle in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Aye. I haven’t been here for the Thanksgiving Weekend. I was considering it, but then thought a complete separation may be in order. Truth be told, I had planned on not writing today (or at le...
List Based and NoJoMo in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
As it highlights my current moods and accidental compartmental-mentality (which I hereby deem as CompartMentality) I shall share this as a list concept then follow up with NoJoMo Prompt for 11/23...
Interesting Song Bit in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
I have David Bowie’s “Changes” stuck in my head… but only one half of one stanza. I don’t know why, but open to interpretation, lol. “And these children that you spit on As they try to change th...
Dies Marti in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Just learned that the Latin phrase “Dies Marti” is where we get “day” from in our calendar. Dies Marti “days of Mars.” Last night, towards the end of work (or I should say “work”) I felt an ol...
Turkey Week in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Weekend was okay. Went to Omaha for Pathfinder… which means a three hour trip down for five hours of gameplay and then a three hour trip back. But seeing friends, going to a real place, and get...
This... Worries Me in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Have you seen the video of the Hamilton Cast speaking with Mike Pence? HERE is a link to it. That is pretty damned innocuous. Hell, it is actually fairly common for casts to mention famous peopl...
30 Second Movie Reviews: Knock Knock in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
I first heard about Knock Knock as it was described as a “Chauvinist’s Wet Dream” and heard a lot of Dyed in the Wool Feminists rip on the film. They said a number of times that it was some big ...
Pátek in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Got an e-mail from one of the jobs I applied to several months ago. It started with “Over 350 applicants were processed”… so that’s how I am so unemployable right now. There are hundreds of peo...
Snippet in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Today is just… rough. Like… I’ve never woken up and been this inconsolable about this place. Maybe it is the fact that November is ending and I’m no closer to understanding this job, getting a ...
Piss Poor in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Waking up and wanting to go right back to sleep is now standard. Getting out of bed and being disgusted with life is now typical. Walking to my car feeling depressed about where I’m going is the ...
WenOnDesDay in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
I decided not to go to Magistrate Court this morning because there was nothing on the schedule. The rest I shall share in BULLET FORM! - A Citizen In The Know ran into a Board of Supervisors me...
Insert Girder in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Today… I am hollow. I just feel… devoid. Like this county has crawled inside of me and affected my spirit the way it has affected everything else. This… hollow… numb… apathetic… acceptance. I ...
NoJoMo in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Writing today. Because I’m in that emotional place of so here’s some NoJoMo… but honestly… I would much rather you read my 3 AM ENTRY and my MONDAY NIGHTMARE entry. NoJoMo11 What “trade” do you...
Not with a bang, but... in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
So I’m tired… as could be expected from being awake at 3 AM to write MY WEEKEND ENTRY. But being back at work has already drained me so much more than anything else possibly could. The Board ha...
Little Baby Tomato in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
I can’t sleep. I started writing this at 3 a.m. because I can’t sleep. I took an absence from Facebook and Prose Box to get perspective and allow myself a bit of a break. In some ways, it work...
Twitter in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
(I’ll be more active tomorrow with some stuff but on a different note) The “Preferred male height” according to a study of Dating Websites is 5‘10 to 6‘2. As someone who is 5‘7… and grew up with...
NoJoMo10 & More in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
As disappointed as I am in Trump’s win and as truly fearful as I am for people… there is something worse. At last count 8 trans-youth killed themselves yesterday because they interpreted Trump’s...
Both Foreign and Domestic in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Wanted to write something more personally today… but before I get there… Europe’s reaction to the election has been interesting. But I worry that it hasn’t been obvious enough for them. On a sc...
NoJoMo9 & Shock in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Shock. I am in absolute shock. And around me there is celebration. The community where I live is celebrating the election of Trump. My father is celebrating that “godless liberals” didn’t gai...
Seriously in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
Donald Trump is winning presently. That is the ultimate proof that I should die. If only I was brave enough. I’m not. I have a miniscule modicum for hope. But ultimately I have no faith, no ...
Colorific in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
From 22 Words; discussing Color: My Favorite Color(s): Black: This dark shade conveys sensitivity and creativity. Lovers of this color also prefer to be in control. Red: You’re a mover and a sha...
NoJoMo 8 & Such in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
NoJoMo8 How would/do you feel if/about a remake of your favorite childhood movie/cartoon? This is all too real for me. My favorite cartoon shows when I was a kid? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a...