Park Row Fallout ⋅ 40 ⋅

Midwest Attorney trying to navigate the waters of life

Each person feels pain in his own way, each has his own scars.

Haruki Murakami

Entries 2,332

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Just a quick, weird, unfortunate thing… When I got home from work last night, Wife was working out to some of my favorite K-Pop music/music videos/dance videos… and I saw the videos and.... befor...

Did I need any more reason to want to leave my current job? No. Did I need another accusation in my life? No. A client… from months and months and months ago (JULY)… gave me $300 in cash. This w...

It still disturbs me how strongly I hope for a car wreck on my drive to work. It is as if after about 8 minutes, I just naturally start thinking about how things would go if I got T-Boned or som...

I know that I am presently employed and therefore have no legitimate right to complain. That being said… do you know what the most depressing thing about actively looking for a job is? The realiz...

I am lucky in many ways. Granted… being afflicted with constant pain sucks. Granted… my wife having zero libido sucks. Granted… my job situation is almost abusively atrocious in some ways. But I ...

Let’s say your spouse was a neurosurgeon. Lots of training, lots of time and stress. But four years after starting practice… your spouse comes to you and says, “I can’t do this anymore. It isn...

Yesterday, I talked to some friends of mine. Good people but far less educated (as far as Degree Comparisons.... I am not being a dick with “far less educated” they are some of my closest friend...

I need to re-read some of my PB writing from last year. Because I am back in the mindset “I never should have left.” And I know better. I know that not being in Tiny Town is better. But when y...

So, this is THE topic of the week but… it makes some sense. When I saw the City Attorney job post… I felt a thrill that could only be described as Escape. I did an analysis focusing uniquely on ...

One of the things the Bosses discussed yesterday was “Vision”. White Boss wants to practice law, make money, and take care of his family. Chinese Boss has a vision. She wants to be “the most suc...

1:38 p.m. Central Standard Time Yes, second entry today. Yes, I should be “working.” But right now my working is mostly… making phone calls for my bosses and trying to figure things out for the...

After talking with Wife and my Father… I really want to go after this job. By the end of the day, come hell or high water, I will have submitted my application. I checked my work contract and t...

Great (sarcasm). Now I’m obsessing. There is a reason I try to stick through with things… keeping your head down and following through on what is expected of you comes with a lot less emotional ...

Last night, I felt this gigantic sense of dread deep inside of me. This… darkness where I did not want to go to sleep because I knew I’d be waking up and coming to work. That is how (at least t...

On Relationships and Sex: Last night, I had a very graphic and very detailed dream (as I so often do) where I cheated on my wife. But the truth is more worrying. I stick to it. My resolve on se...

On my long ass drive to a required 9 hour UNPAID work event, I had time to think. What I thought: Before the age of 18, I was an award-winning published poet, multiple award winning musician, and...

This week is killing me, man. Last night was my dad’s retirement party. My Dad’s Grandfather started a business in 1922. When he retired, my Dad’s Dad took over the business. When my Grandfath...

I get it. I’m an associate. You have to walk before you can run and all that. But sometimes this Low Man, Different Rules for Associate and Partners thing is a real big pain in my ass. So… My ...

September 24, 2017

Vids in Book Four: Ichi-no-Tani 2017

Would rather post vids from the wedding or something sexy but Youtube Recommended a video series to me Oh, hell…why not add Humor and HOttnes.... from the Chive: “Life is like soccer becau...

............... Last night, there was a Rehearsal and a Rehearsal Dinner for my wedding. Wife got absolutely shit faced because (according to her) she loves my family so much. SO… since she is n...

September 22, 2017

Brief in Book Four: Ichi-no-Tani 2017

I am currently in San Francisco. Yesterday was a flight day of 9 hours. I have been on “Vacation” for almost 2 days… and yet have done 2.4 hours of billable work. Which, on Vacation, means I’v...

Just so it is written down somewhere… I don’t know why I’m still having recurring dreams about Aoife. She’s always sexy… different versions of it, just as she was when we knew each other. Last ...

Just when you think it is safe to get back in the water.... After a fair amount of time… I had another dream about Aoife last night. A large group of people (several hundred) had been called in t...

2nd Jury Trial as defense. Same defendant and same county as first one. This time, like next time, his actions could have gotten him SHOT but for the fact that these officers don’t immediately fi...

Title has no deeper or significant meaning other than to discuss the humor of words and language. Wife was trying to spell something yesterday and was having a “that can’t be right” moment. We ...