Park Row Fallout ⋅ 40 ⋅

Midwest Attorney trying to navigate the waters of life

Each person feels pain in his own way, each has his own scars.

Haruki Murakami

Entries 2,328

Page 14 of 94

Good News: One of the biggest professional worries we were facing stems from timing. According to the laws of the Nation and the State; there are specific deadlines required in any and all crim...

Can’t sleep. That is annoying. Bah! On the good news front: official “work from home” order. Which is helping me really set up a nice Home Office. Not to mention gives me the opportunity to...

Call me a broken record, but I’m seriously reconsidering some things. The hate mail I was talking about? Is because I live in an Agriculture State so that the laws specifically treat Livestock N...

It is late… actually, not really but my sense of time lately is totally fucked up so for me- I’m saying it is late. After an entire week of telling my boss that we should all be working from home...

I know that Red State Sentiments should stop surprising me. I mean, I have lived in either Iowa or Nebraska since 1984. My father is a passionate die-hard conservative. My brother is a liberta...

Okay… shit. Staving off depression is kind of hard in these times. Our country is being run by addle-brained homunculi who are about fifteen days away from announcing compulsory service in the ...

When I was working warehouse jobs and retail, I always had a sneaking suspicion that OSHA was bullshit. I mean… Best Buy would make me single-handedly load/unload the heaviest shit Appliances so...

Okay… sometimes, things are stupid as hell. Truthfully. Our Governor and our Emergency Management Department have released a really nicely worded declaration that if as many people work from ho...

So, I spent the weekend in an area with confirmed COVID19 cases. My father was experiencing shortness of breath. My immune system sucks and I constantly have breathing issues as it is. In fact, I...

Lately there have been a few entries that inspired many similar notes. To respond to those notes individually with the same response is a possibility but I figured an entry covering those matter...

So… things with/at the parents has been okay. But as is always the case… when my dad drinks, he gets… belligerent. And insensitive. This time, Mom very specifically and very pointedly told me ...

Perhaps this is a weird time to feel this but… I am at my parents house, sleeping in what was at one time my bedroom. It doesn’t look the same, of course. All new furniture, new paint, even new...

So, I wasn’t going to write today. I figured… I’m working from home… I’ve got puppy and video games. I have to get ready to go visit my parents. I’ll have plenty of things to occupy my time. ...

My goodness. I am very tired. Like falling asleep in my office chair tired. And yet… I really want and need to actually accomplish things when I get home tonight. Like… I need to empty the di...

So, something that is happening that my conspiracy obsessed, bullshit artist worshiping, idiotic as fuck friends and family aren’t capable of understanding… because of the current health scare, s...

Well, 20/20 was an American television newsmagazine broadcast on ABC. The program was designed similarly to CBS’s 60 Minutes in that it features in-depth story packages, although it focuses more ...

Right before I left work last night, my boss started to discuss how he thinks all of this “social distancing” and “self-quarantine” will be used by The State to shut down certain “under performin...

I said I’d circle back around to “I’m still feeling… in quite the need to feel… desirable.” This is something that I’ve been thinking about this weekend because the experience is so… different a...

Even in a state with a population as small and as scattered as our little state, the spread of the disease can be seen for the legitimate emergency it is. When confirmed cases were first announc...

Today has been a day of mostly wishing time away. A terrible thing to do as life is only ever what we make of it and simply existing is quite far from the impact I want my life to have before it...

Last night, I made food and had a healthy dinner. Gave Nala a big walk (her second as Martha had given her a walk as well). I really thought Nala would have slept. But she woke me up at 3 to g...

My Trumpeter Cousin who has been aggressively promoting the President’s bullshit conspiracies about COVID-19. He just said, “Trump should cancel the 2020 election due to Coronavirus. THEN the cu...

Nala is not enjoying the new situation. She woke me up repeatedly last night with whining. I’d get out of bed, take her outside, and she’d simply sit on the porch looking out into the distance,...

This is me grumbling. Last night, I helped Martha move out. She still has things here and there are still things in this house that (even if she left them here and moved out of State) I would pr...

So, I’m stealing surveys from y’all. I had hearings, I filed motions, I did work. Since my only social interaction anymore is pretty much writing words on websites… here’s my social interaction ...