
Entries 11

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May 16, 2024

Weird thing happened in 2024

My husband likes the Young Sheldon series. Me not so much. Sheldon and Mary irritate me and quite frankly make me angry, but that’s for another time, but he likes it, so I watch it if we are in...

January 19, 2024

who cares in 2024

What is up with this website. Every time I write I get notification that it didn’t post, but it does. The front page never updates, and there is no update on what’s up with that. I’m supposed t...

January 18, 2024

No Title Here in 2024

Can’t think of a title. Not much happening here. Everyone is cranky and I know it’s the cold weather and the snow, but they don’t seem to know it, and everyone is complaining to me about everyo...

January 17, 2024

Cold and snowy in 2024

It’s cold and snowy outside. I don’t like the cold much. You’d think I’d want to live in Florida, or Arizona, but it’s easier to put more clothes on when it’s cold. Also, Florida has hurricane...

January 16, 2024

Insomnia in 2024

Can’t sleep again. Nothing is working tonight. So I’m up and sabotaging my sleep even more by playing on the computer. It’s freaking cold here in Michigan. I’m on the lower, northern part of ...

January 13, 2024

sick again in 2024

I’m sick again. This time though, it’s messing with my blood pressure. It’s really high and that makes me nervous. My daughters bearded dragon had an emergency. He is okay, he had a prolaspe,...

January 05, 2024

Happy New Year in 2024

I’m trying to keep a positive spin in my mind this new year. I’m trying to just accept things for what they are. I cannot change other people, I can only change how I react to them. I am tryin...

December 27, 2023

Having a rough day in 2023

Having a tough time staying calm today. I’m so tired, I’m also tired of dishes and cleaning, and that has been going on for awhile now, because apparently everyone else in my house is unable to ...

December 20, 2023

New Game, "Raft" in 2023

I’ve been playing a game called Raft lately. It’s irritating, and addicting. You are stuck in a world that flooded, and must build yourself a raft by picking debris out of the water. There are...

December 19, 2023

Still not sleeping in 2023

Haven’t been sleeping well. When I do sleep I dream all night long, vivid dreams that leave me more tired than when I went to sleep. It’s like I can’t shut myself off for any amount of time. S...

December 17, 2023

Last entry was a downer, in 2023

I try not to let things get me down so low, but sometimes it’s just too much. I crochet. Lately I’ve been using blanket yarn and crocheting giant things with it. I’ve made dragons, krakens, oct...

Books 2

9 Entries

8 Entries