
The Lord is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1

Entries 176

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September 19, 2014

Ben's Birthday in My this and that

Ben’s birthday is coming up! I’m quite excited. I LOVE celebrating my husband. I’m not going as crazy with the plans as I have in past years, because I’ve got him a pretty pricey gift. I thin...

September 16, 2014

My excellent Husband in My this and that

I got home yesterday and what did I come home to? Well, as soon as I stepped foot in the door my husbands cheerful voice meets my ears “Your home! Just one minute I’ll be right there!” and he g...

September 15, 2014

Leaving you alone in My this and that

It’s hard to leave Ben home alone everyday while I come to work. He’s doing what I wish I could do. Just stay home. I wish there was a way for me to make money sewing at home. That’d be prett...

Today I am so thankful for the hospital we visited this weekend. So last week we had learned that Ben would be able to see the surgeon here in the city this Thursday, two full weeks after breaki...

September 03, 2014

Many Broken Toes in My this and that

So, today I am thankful for God’s hands in directing even accidents. My husband was at work on Thursday as most of us were. He is a level to mechanic apprentice, and he was doing what he normal...

You know what really grinds my gears? When people believe the life of an animal is above the life of a human. My facebook feed is FLOODED with people advocating for animals. “This animal was be...

I just think it’d be so wise to give women two days off a month to deal with their periods in peace. There are usually two days a month when I’m just in such a bad mood, so upset I just want to ...

I can't really stop thinking about what is going on in Iraq and Syria and how IS is persecuting and murdering Christians and other religious minorities. It makes me sad, and I've been praying a ...

August 07, 2014

Update for you. in My this and that

Today I am thankful for long weekends and short weeks. Even though this week is only four days long, I've been finding getting out of bed at my regular time extremely difficult. I'm definitely ...

I will start with something I am thankful for, because it's good for my heart. It helps me put things in perspective and reminds me of the joy I do have. So today I am thankful for many things: ...

July 28, 2014

Standard in My this and that

Today I am thankful that I am feeling better. Yesterday I felt like perhaps I was going to come down with something, but I rested, drank lots of water, and took extra vitamins. Today I don't fe...

July 24, 2014

It's the week in My this and that

Today I am thankful for the joy of the Lord, because I know I wouldn't make it through weeks like this with friends if I didn't. I would have scared them all away. It's the week before my perio...

July 21, 2014

Shocking in My this and that

Today I am thankful for my husband, moreso than normal even. I know this girl. I even would call her a friend. She is the daughter of my boss, but also works at an organization I volunteer wi...

July 16, 2014

Our new baby in My this and that

Today I am thankful for the Lord's guidance. We finally made the decision on what car we were going to buy, and we bought it, and we drove it home yesterday and she is BEAUTIFUL. She is a Scion...

Today I am thankful for wisdom. I've been praying for wisdom lately as we car shop, and I'm thankful for the wisdom God has granted. This whole not having a car thing, and shopping for the righ...

July 08, 2014

Confidence in My this and that

Today I am thankful for the confidence I feel. Things have been slow around here in my life lately, but I'm REALLY enjoying it. It gives me a chance to breathe and relax and do things I want ...

July 02, 2014

The Reunion in My this and that

Today I am thankful for so many days off and a great weekend with my darling husband. We had a fantastic trip, and enjoyed Canada Day together as well. What a blessing! So, the reason I went t...

Today I am thankful that the sun is out and it's warm. Hot would actually be a better word, and it's SO muggy out, I think it will rain soon. Ben and I are heading to my ten year high school ...

Today I am thankful that it's not snowing. I feel like we haven't had a really warm and sunny day in a little while. It's been kind of rainy, or windy, or just not quite hot here. I don't real...

June 09, 2014

Life goes on in My this and that

Today I am thankful for the time I get to myself. I have a couple of busier weeks coming up, and it makes me value me-time all the more. Life has been amazing! Things with Ben are fantastic. ...

May 29, 2014

Dreams in My this and that

Today I am thankful for such entertainment every night. Last night I dreamt I was kidnapped. Of course I thought I should try to escape, but in my attempts I got shot in the head. The bullet...

May 27, 2014

Eating Well in My this and that

Today I am thankful for a productive evening yesterday. I even had a bit of time to be lazy, but I also got the whole house clean and that's a nice feeling. I just want a burger and fries. It'...

Today I am thankful for watermelon. I just ate at least four cups of cubed watermelon and it was so delicious. Since I try not to eat refined sugar (or dairy) watermelon is my "summer treat" of...

Today I am thankful for no plans after work. I am also thankful for a patient husband. So, I've finished my sewing project, and it looks fine. I'm so tempted to start another one, but I have ...

Well, things have been interesting here at work this week. On Saturday my boss went to emergency at the hospital because his arm had felt tingly and numb off and on throughout the week. They sa...

Books 2

173 Entries

10 Entries