~*Phoenix*~ ⋅ 44 ⋅

Rising from the ashes ... living to fight another day. Mother, lover, daughter, sister, friend, and fighter. I lost my soulmate unexpectedly on April 3, 2023. If you can't handle grief, move along. My journey is mine alone, and this is my outlet for the pain.

This is my life... my story... my book. I will no longer let anyone else write it; nor will I apologize for the edits I make.

Steve Maraboli

Entries 98

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April 30, 2023

With me in 2023

You’re home with me now. Your Dad brought you to me. We wept together. I thought perhaps that holding your urn would make it more real? It doesn’t. You would like your urn, I think. I hope you...

April 29, 2023

I wasn't done in 2023

I wasn’t done loving you. I wasn’t done making memories with you. I wasn’t done holding you. Kissing you. Laughing with you. I wasn’t done. I wasn’t fucking done. There’s so much longer to li...

April 29, 2023

Go in 2023

I don’t want to be here. I don’t. This world terrifies me without you. I’m so scared. I went to bed at 11pm and by 5:30am decided that I probably wasn’t going to eventually fall asleep, so I’m...

April 27, 2023

Here, without you in 2023

The apartment feels empty without you. Of course it does. I spent the day shampooing the carpets. I know Dee did his best while I was gone, but he was/is grieving too and let some of Grace’s acc...

April 26, 2023

Comin home in 2023

I’m sitting in the airport, waiting to board my flight home .. home. Is it home anymore? I’ve never sat here alone and not talked to you while waiting. Not planned what our evening would look li...

April 25, 2023

Out in 2023

I went out last night. To the pub, with my friends here who are more like family than my own blood. And as the long table filled up with chattering people and hugging, I looked around and realiz...

April 23, 2023

I can't in 2023

I don’t know if I can do this. If I can keep going. How am I supposed to keep going? I feel nothing. Nothing but the crushing weight of grief. Nothing but missing you. And the tears just keep co...

April 23, 2023

Ashes in 2023

Your Dad picked up your ashes today. Your ashes. In your urns. The urn I choose for you. I engraved with your name. Your ashes. All that’s left. Dust. How can a man such as you be reduced to ash...

April 21, 2023

Movement in 2023

I’ve been thinking about my future. I don’t like thinking about my future because we had our future planned … but that’s gone now. Sometimes … always … that’s a hard pill to swallow. Part of me ...

April 20, 2023

Here with me in 2023

You’re with me forever now, Babes. Permanently in ink on my arm. You would be with me always regardless, but having your writing on my arm now feels a little closer. I keep running my fingers ov...

April 19, 2023

Truths in 2023

I know stress contributed to Chris’s heart attack. We’ve had a tough year … putting Turk down in January at only 3yrs old, then losing his beloved Socks in March to old age at 13yrs. Then findin...

April 18, 2023

On a wave in 2023

Emily and Evan are both working today, so I find myself alone in their home. Very strange feeling to be a guest in your mostly grown daughter & son-in-law’s home for the first time. It took m...

April 17, 2023

Drifting in 2023

I’m in pain today. Excruciating body pain. And so cold, despite it being a perfectly acceptable temperature both inside and out, that my hands turned white. I know it’s because I showered, got d...

April 16, 2023

Anger in 2023

I get so mad. So fucking pissed. But there’s no one and nothing to be angry at so I just simmer in pain. Why? What the actual fuck have I done to deserve this? The douchebag sperm donors, the ex...

April 16, 2023

347 hours in 2023

Thats how long its been without you. In 15 years I’ve never gone more than a few hours without talking to you. And now … its been 347 hours since I heard your voice, since I touched you and you ...

April 15, 2023

Life in 2023

I think what hurts the most is that I don’t believe there’s anything after death. I never have. If there were life after death, then what is the point of life to begin with? I believe our souls a...

April 12, 2023

So many words in 2023

I think I figured out why I had stopped writing here for so long. For the last almost 15 years, Chris was my OpenDiary or Prosebox. He was my sounding board, my best friend, my confidante, the c...

April 12, 2023

Nausea in 2023

God I feel sick. So sick. Is this grief too? I learned that there’s a difference between grief & bereavement. Idk wtf the difference is, you’re still gone. I ate half a chicken breast and s...

April 11, 2023

Memorials I guess in 2023

I’m so glad I saved your silly paper towel & sharpie love notes. I know we said we would never tattoo eachothers names on our own bodies because it’s bad luck but .. I think we’re a little p...

April 11, 2023

Uncomfortable in 2023

I keep waking up through the night, every couple hours and tossing and turning. And sweating. So much sweating. So uncomfortable. But in bed, sometimes, when I’m asleep, I forget you’re gone. Th...

April 10, 2023

Rest in 2023

I’m exhausted. Emotionally. Mentally. Physically somehow. Sleep is elusive. I try to keep my same routine - climb into bed around 9pm, turn the TV on to a docu-series, play games on my phone unt...

April 10, 2023

I'm scared in 2023

Is fear a part of grief? Is this part of missing you? Why am I afraid? Of living without you? This isn’t living. This is mearly existing. I take breaths because my body is on auto-pilot but I ...

April 09, 2023

Hello darkness, in 2023

I said goodbye to you today. Your hands were so cold. I wanted to memorize every line of your face, I wanted to remember how your fingers felt entwined in mine. It’s so hard to sleep without yo...

Books 1

98 Entries