~*Phoenix*~ ⋅ 43 ⋅

Rising from the ashes ... living to fight another day. Mother, lover, daughter, sister, friend, and fighter. I lost my soulmate unexpectedly on April 3, 2023. If you can't handle grief, move along. My journey is mine alone, and this is my outlet for the pain.

This is my life... my story... my book. I will no longer let anyone else write it; nor will I apologize for the edits I make.

Steve Maraboli

Entries 92

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August 22, 2024

Blindsided in 2023

I don’t even know where to start. I don’t want to write this but maybe writing it out will help me shake it off somehow? Your sister texted me 2 days ago … a flurry of hatred & accusations &...

August 09, 2024

Breaking up in 2023

I wish we had broken up. It wouldn’t feel like this if I knew somehow that you were out there somewhere. Living. I could hate you. Blame you. Be angry at you. Pretend that it wasn’t as perfec...

July 20, 2024

I wasn't ready, Babes .. in 2023

I dreamt about you last night. I’ve been hoping and begging and pleading for you to come to me in my dreams and you did … and I wasn’t ready. I’ve been weeping all morning. Off and on .. like b...

July 17, 2024

I can breathe again .. in 2023

I’m here. We made it. Almost 3100km in 3 days. All told, it was probably a $6000 move, not including buying the car & the house … I wouldn’t have made it without everyone. I still don’t unde...

Things I can’t wait to be able to afford to buy again. I’m saving every single cent I can, buying absolutely nothing other than the essentials - dog food for the dogs, milk for the kid, coffee fo...

May 25, 2024

Tears stream in 2023

Still here. Still crying. Still grieving. 418 days since you’ve been gone. I wish I could scream and rage and throw shit through windows and break down walls and doors and crush the broken piece...

March 14, 2024

Now what in 2023

I took the pill. Last night, with my bedtime meds. I figured I wasn’t going to sleep and I was sick of tossing & turning all night like the last few nights so at 9pm I took a sleeping pill to...

March 13, 2024

Is it broken? in 2023

I cleaned today. Finally. It was so gross in here. I hadn’t shampooed the carpet in weeks. That doesn’t sound terrible, for normal peoples carpets, but I’m not normal and neither are my 50 year o...

March 11, 2024

I think I must be crazy in 2023

In 22 days I’ll lose you all over again. A year. A year without you. A year of being nothing more than the walking dead. Empty existence. Wasting space. I can’t do another year. I can’t. I can’t...

March 05, 2024

Obsessive confusion in 2023

337 days … is that why? Is that why my mind, my heart, my soul have been increasingly chaotic these last few weeks? I scrutinize photos now, as they come up in FB memories … did you look like yo...

February 24, 2024

Too much in 2023

A very dear friend of mine lost her son 4 days ago. He was 3.5yrs old. He’d been fighting neuroblastoma for the last 18 months of his life. Half his short little life was spent in the hospital w...

February 22, 2024

The ache in 2023

I’ve been crying for two days. Again. And it’s weird because I’ll just be doing dishes or stitching & watching TV and poof tears and ache and sobbing and then … poof back to doing what I was...

February 18, 2024

Phantosmia in 2023

I would not have believed this shit was an actual thing were it not happening to me and so I looked it up because wtf. It started even before Babes died, so I don’t chalk it up (entirely) to gri...

February 11, 2024

Brain stew in 2023

I’m gonna smoke a joint and try to get this out because while I’m not quite ready to try writing the book again, I feel like with this 8d audio stuff I’m a lot closer than I was. I want to be abl...

February 10, 2024

Holy shit in 2023

I think I had a small breakthrough yesterday. Nothing to do with the grief, nothing that will help with that pain, but a breakthrough nonetheless. I kept seeing those short little clips or reels...

February 09, 2024

I'm gonna do stuff in 2023

Today. Right now. I’m gonna vacuum and wipe down the kitchen and dust and shit .. and shower. I don’t think I’ve showered in a week. Which is gross. Except I don’t do anything so it’s not like I ...

February 08, 2024

The weight in 2023

You know that feeling right before you cry? When your chest sorta tightens and feels heavy and achy .. and then fingers of ache & chill radiant from your heart and the tears flow, like a dam ...

February 07, 2024

For posterity, pics in 2023

Been forever since I did photos .. someday I’ll come back to this for the memories of these days .. FB memories are hard - silly laughing memories of Babes and our daily life together .. days I ...

February 05, 2024

Dragging in 2023

Time. It’s just dragging. I’ve never felt more like a zombie. Or a robot maybe. Day in, day out. I should enjoy the routine. Isn’t routine proper or something? But I’m not choosing the routine ....

February 02, 2024

But why though? in 2023

One ex reaching out to me, fine. Two? Weird, gross, but whatever. Three though? Really? Three? Fuck off I’m so fucking annoyed and want to just go off on this latest one in my DMs but it’s not h...

January 31, 2024

Again in 2023

Perhaps it will be a sleeping pill night tonight. I don’t want it to be. They leave a horrible taste in my mouth come morning. I called Sadie in to my room a little while ago, hoping her extra b...

January 29, 2024

Closer again in 2023

It’s been 301 days since you left me. Somehow the last 10 months have felt like you were drifting further and further from me and the awful day but since the new year it’s been different .. I kn...

January 22, 2024

Heavy in 2023

I strained and struggled and managed to get the weighted blanket back on the bed yesterday. It’s a shockingly difficult task to maneuver a 40lb king size blanket onto a queen size bed by yourself...

January 20, 2024

It's not just grief in 2023

Losing Babes is, by far, the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced, yes. But losing him has been the culmination of a difficult life .. blistered with moments of happiness but they never outnumbere...

January 19, 2024

Just leave me in 2023

I feel like I’m on the losing end of a tug-o-war .. the rope taut over a yawning chasm of nothingness. Just let me go. For someone who will never have the gonads to end it all herself, I think a...

Books 1

92 Entries