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June 14, 2023

Fixing hoarder house in Just Life

Today I found 2 free mowers to repair.The man was even kind enough to help me load them. I hope I can do it because I really need a good mower at moms house. The grass is so tall. I am really str...

Today I realized my cat has more reproductive rights than me. During her pregnancy they asked me if I wanted to terminate her pregnancy. I chose to let her be a mom after Ash got weaned I got her...

June 13, 2023

Peek a boo decorating in Just Life

I am seriously debating on decorating mom’s house see how long it takes her to notice.. so far I found Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors to stick in her window and I found an ET to peek from b...

June 12, 2023

Real life Peggy Bundy in Just Life

I worked at the hotel 5 am to 12:30. Went home. I was sore and exhausted because cramps and 3 hours of sleep. I begged my husband to drive himself to work I helped him gather his clothes. After h...

June 11, 2023

Topless peek a boo in Just Life

Anybody who saw me nude today I am sorry. I stripped my dress off after a bug ran down my bra. I quickly slapped the bug off and put back on my husband’s t shirt if you manage to see my…well happ...

My phone caught me typing shirt on Temu instead it typed a cussword using autocorrect. Think I finally broke my autocorrect. Now if I can only convince my phone when angry I am not talking about ...

Yesterday I begged my husband to go to Little Beaver State Park. I wanted to go hiking and spend time with him. My best friend Tella called me bored asked what I was doing and somehow it transfor...

When I was younger I was pushed from one fad diet to another. I was told a man couldn’t love me if I am fat. When I was skinny I was pushed to starve myself by a person who was close to me. I swo...

I haven’t kept up with Star Wars. My husband told me Darth Vader is married. Not thinking I asked if he married Ella Vader. He didn’t find it as funny as I did. He sent me in the house to think a...

My sister in law Lesa died on Friday after extended illness. She was battling cancer and kidney failure. I called my brother to check on her today for him to say she died and he forgot to tell me...

Tella,Talan and I went to the range yesterday. Talan taught Tella how to shoot guns. I taught Tella how to shoot a blow dart gun. We took turns trying figure out how to throw throwing knives and ...

My mother cried to my Aunt Diane I threw all her clothes away. Mom lives at my house due to her schizophrenia she is no longer allowed to live alone. She trashed the house she was living in. I ha...

June 03, 2023

Accidents in Just Life

Children in cars have accidents. Accidents in cars make many accidents makes parents buy minivans..

I am getting real tired being treated poorly for remodeling a house for someone who I dont even think appreciates it. I am not the bad guy here. Yes I burned clothes so what? You haven’t worn the...

Last night I got a phone call from my brother Tom. My sister in law Lesa is no longer doing dialysis. The doctor told Tom between her kidney issues and her cancer the doctors decided to honor her...

Today my husband put chicken,rack of ribs and mushrooms in a smoker. After all this food was ready we met Emily and Jude over at my mother’s house that I have been remodeling. We put the table in...

May 31, 2023

Yay a tip! in Just Life

Sorry I was caught dancing in the kitchen I got excited over a $10 tip..

Tv shows and movies affect you. I watch Jungle to Jungle and I taught myself how to use a blow dart gun as a kid. I watched Grumpier Old Men when I saw the characters walk a guinea pig down the r...

Dear family if you got to throw something sharp away please warn me. I picked up the trash bag tried to carry it outside to the outside trash can I got stabbed my new dress got bloody in my stoma...

I have a part time job serving food at a hotel. After work I care for my mother and while she lives at my house I am cleaning up her hoarder house..her closet is the size of my bedroom in my sing...

Ash saved my job today. I slept through both my alarms. I intentionally trained my cats when the alarm goes off my phone they get cat food so if I sleep through my alarm the cats protests until I...

May 22, 2023

Cat alarm clocks in Just Life

Ash saved my job today. I slept through both my alarms. I intentionally trained my cats when the alarm goes off my phone they get cat food so if I sleep through my alarm the cats protests until I...

May 21, 2023

Simple kind of life in Just Life

I don’t worship celebrities. With the proper amount of money talent and plastic surgery I could look like a Kardashian too. I respect the natural ones living a realistic simple life. Sincerity is...

I kept getting electric shocks in the MRI machine. In my left arm and hands.. now my body burns. What did I do? I needed this to.check a cyst in my brain but it was so painful..

Since I had my stroke 2 years ago I keep migraines because of a one inch cyst in my brain. I am humiliated how many times today while mowing I got light headed and had to take a break. I am going...

Books 1

277 Entries