
He fell as gently as a tree falls.

Entries 230

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March 22, 2023

The Ideal Life in My Musings

I dream of a life that is rich, in all aspects of the word. Where the best healthcare is at an arm’s length, and getting sick is not a cause of worry. It wouldn’t cost an arm, a leg, or even both...

March 21, 2023

Locus of Control in My Musings

To myself and Jen Today I shall be kind To others and my mind I shall not get annoyed Anger I shall avoid When things won’t go my way Positive words, I’d say To turn my frustrations Into affirmat...

A few weeks ago, my writing cue had to do with holding on to something that no longer serves me. I’ve mentioned my friendship with a person I’ve known since elementary, and my feelings surroundin...

What constitutes success? As I ponder on today’s writing cue, I cannot help contemplating yet again. It is multi-faceted, yes, but that makes it even the more complicated. So to answer the questi...

March 13, 2023

Greatest fear in My Musings

I am afraid that I will be forgotten. Time does not spare anyone, after all; in due course, everything that once was will merely fade and just be a distant memory, if lucky. If I was not fearful,...

March 09, 2023

Gut Feel in My Musings

Intuition is an irony. It is spontaneous and has very little logic, yet we let it take part in our decision making. As I reflect on today’s writing cue, I do not have the faintest of idea when an...

March 08, 2023

Peaks and Valleys in My Musings

I was browsing Reddit yesterday when I came across the post “What screams that someone peaked in High School?”. I’m not sure if grateful is the correct word to use, given that I did not fall unde...

We have this tendency to hold on even if there’s no longer an actual purpose to do so - whether it may be a person, relationship, belief, or material object. We try to salvage whatever we can, th...

February 28, 2023

Healing and Moving On in My Musings

What does it take to be healed? To move on and be free from the chains that bind? I finished Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner” this past weekend. While there were a number of heavy / uncomforta...

February 24, 2023

Walls and Gates in My Musings

Today’s cue is about what makes me guarded, and what do I need to trust again? I think of myself as being naturally guarded. One has to, especially when not everyone looks out for your (or my) se...

February 23, 2023

A Feeling of Safety in My Musings

I’ve been to a number of places - all of them with breathtakingly beautiful sceneries. There’s only one place I can consider my go-to, however, and that would be the gym. There’s a certain solace...

February 22, 2023

Self-Love in Hardship in My Musings

Today is Ash Wednesday, which marks the official start of Lent. I’d like to share some of the priest’s points in the homily which really resonated with me, and how these relate to the topic at ha...

Today’s entry will be shorter than usual as there’s not much to write. See, while I have fumbled a lot in the past, these are but events long gone. At this point, I have already made peace with h...

February 20, 2023

Of Being Disconnected in My Musings

I remember a few weeks ago when I was speaking to Jen (hello if you’re reading this 😆) about this particular feeling of unease. It’s not new to me, as I had similar encounters in the past. That t...

February 17, 2023

Letter to Myself in My Musings

February 17, 2023 10:24 p.m. GMT+8 Dear younger self, At this moment, you’re most likely living your best life. Aside from the homework, crushes, and hobbies, there’s not a hint of worry in your ...

February 16, 2023

Improving Self-Love in My Musings

I mentioned in my post yesterday that self-love is an area I’ve been trying to work on. It is not without its difficulties, but there’s certainly some progress. A key concept I’ve been consciousl...

This writing cue is timely, especially given yesterday’s occasion. I think despite our fascination towards the material, we all have that innermost longing to love and be loved. Isn’t it neat whe...

February 14, 2023

Blockages in My Musings

My cue for today is “where do I feel most blocked, and what small thing can I do today to release that?”. I’m not exactly sure what the context of “block” here is, so I’d say people that are har...

This topic is one of the few occasions wherein I am at a loss. I grew up quite awkwardly (weird even), and would like to think that it got carried over until the present. That said, my self-este...

February 10, 2023

Looking Outward and Inward in My Musings

How considerate a person is shall always be high in my list. The importance of this trait can not be stressed enough - whether I’m getting to know new people, or maintaining bonds with my already...

February 08, 2023

Alone Time in My Musings

They say man is a social being, and I wholeheartedly agree. However, as a true introvert, there’s a certain solace to being by my lonesome - this past Saturday was a great example. Almost a month...

February 07, 2023

Body Appreciation Day in My Musings

Our bodies are a true masterpiece, with each part being able to function both on its own and in support with the others. It’s quite a shame that we sometimes neglect or abuse our body in the proc...

February 06, 2023

Source(s) of Joy in My Musings

“What brings you joy?” It’s such a simple question, yet difficult to answer. It’s not so much as none, given the temptations of instant gratification that we take everything for granted as a resu...

February 03, 2023

Skill in Action in My Musings

Three days ago, I’ve written about what others have perceived as my key skill / asset - relationship building. I don’t know how to describe it entirely, but being able to connect with others (esp...

February 02, 2023

Of Anchors and Gravity in My Musings

This is a dedication to those who keep me grounded. While I am quite capable of keeping myself calm and composed at most times, their presence have been invaluable in moments of doubt, weakness, ...

Books 1

230 Entries