He fell as gently as a tree falls.
Entries 366
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In the Life Log - Day 7 in JY 2025
Nothing much to write today, as it has really been a very chill/quiet day. As expected, my legs are sore from yesterday’s workout, so I’m feeling very sleepy for the majority of the day. Sleep ...
In the Life Log - Days 5 and 6 in JY 2025
Quick summary: I was busy the entire day yesterday since my boss from overseas arrived, which meant I had to go onsite. It was a really great experience, despite only having 6 hours of sleep (i...
In the Life Log - Days 3 and 4 in JY 2025
I wasn’t able to journal yesterday as I suddenly got a really bad headache around mid-afternoon; probably due to only having 6 hours of sleep Tuesday night. Then again, the humidity and temperat...
In the Life Log - Day 2 in JY 2025
Today was an ok day. I was able to sleep immediately the moment I closed my eyes; however, I got only about 6 hours which is quite the deviation. I had another set of weird dreams again (nothing...
In the Life Log - Day 1 in JY 2025
It’s been a year after I resumed writing consistently. Many things have changed since then.. I’d like to think there were multiple take-away points, and as I proceed with the first day of this n...
In the Life Log - Day 364 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep a little over 7 hours last night; initially had problems getting to sleep but was finally able to do so when I found my rhythm. I had weird dreams agai...
In the Life Log - Day 363 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was out like a light once more last night and had about 8-ish hours of sleep. I did have weird dreams again (I wonder when these will end), but true to form, nothing dis...
In the Life Log - Day 362 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep somewhere in the lines of 7-ish hours. I did have a set of weird dreams again (it’s getting too frequent imo), but thankfully nothing disturbing. As al...
In the Life Log - Day 361 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep 9 hours more or less last night. I remember having some weird dreams again but as always, it was nothing disturbing. I didn’t have any bad dreams as we...
In the Life Log - Day 360 in My Musings
Today was an ok day. Sleep last night was bad (I only had 4 hours) - no doubt related to going onsite. I tried getting back to sleep but my body wasn’t cooperating so decided to make the most ou...
In the Life Log - Day 359 in My Musings
Today was a good day. I was able to sleep almost 8 hours if I’m not mistaken. I did have another set of weird dreams again but nothing disturbing, as always. I’m thankful that I didn’t have any ...
In the Life Log - Day 358 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep for about 7.5 hours last night, although I had another set of weird dreams pertaining to travel. Glad to say it was nothing disturbing; in addition, I ...
In the Life Log - Day 357 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep for a little over 8 hours once more, and even had a nap ~3 hours ago. I did have a weird dream, but nothing disturbing. In addition, I didn’t have any ...
In the Life Log - Day 356 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep almost 9 hours - in addition, I don’t remember having any dreams of any sort so that’s always a good thing. As always, I didn’t have any of the bad 3 a...
In the Life Log - Day 355 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep for about 7-ish hours more or less. I didn’t have any weird dreams nor the bad 3. In addition, I didn’t have to take my anti-panic medicine so that’s s...
In the Life Logs - Day 353 and 354 in My Musings
Yesterday and today were both ok days. Here’s a comparison since it will be quite lengthy: a. Yesterday - Lacked sleep since my body clock had to adjust (had to wake up early for onsite work); ...
In the Life Log - Day 352 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep somewhere in the lines of 8.5 hours, which was surprising considering that I hit the sack ~2 hours earlier than usual. I must still be tired from the p...
In the Life Log - Day 351 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was immediately out like a light the moment I closed my eyes and was able to sleep somewhere in the lines of 7 hours. I think I had another set of weird dreams, although...
In the Life Log - Days 349 and 350 in My Musings
Yesterday and today were both great. I was able to sleep somewhere in the lines of 7-8 hours and for a change, didn’t have any weird dreams (or to the extent I remember). I had none of the bad 3...
In the Life Log - Day 348 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep about 7 hours once more, and as in the past few days, was immediately out like a light. I think the past few days’ stress has really gotten to me. I do...
In the Life Log - Day 347 in My Musings
Today was an ok day. I was able to sleep somewhere in the lines of 7 hours, and it was quite the restful one. Not surprisingly, I had another set of weird dreams again (of which I have already f...
In the Life Log - Day 346 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep around 8 hours last night, and didn’t even feel my eyes close; I guess I was truly pooped from work. As what the case has been in recent weeks, I had w...
In the Life Log - Day 345 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep somewhere in the lines of 8 hours once more. As how it’s been during the past few weeks, there were still some weird (but not disturbing dreams). Still...
In the Life Log - Day 344 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep for 8 hours more or less. I was planning to work earlier than usual, but decided to get more zzzz’s instead. Like the past few weeks, I still had weird...
In the Life Log - Day 343 in My Musings
Today was a great day. I was able to sleep for a little over 8 hours again; was afraid that I overslept but that was not the case. I had the bout of weird dreams again, but certainly not as much...