The Wandering Gamer ⋅ 42 ⋅
Entries 218
Page 4 of 9
As before, no recap of things up to this point. Just on with the show… Sora, Donald, and Goofy return to Traverse Town inside of Merlin’s House once more. With a Torn Page and a new gem in hand...
Kingdom Hearts: A Whale Of A Time in Gamer's Gaming
The Road So Far… Sora, Donald, and Goofy are on a quest to stop the Heartless. The Heartless, a race of dark beings, have been invading the worlds and stealing hearts. When the Heartless manage...
Kingdom Hearts: Holy Green Synthesis, Pooh Bear! (Interlude 2) in Gamer's Gaming
As with the first Interlude, this is basically sidequest material before the next main story world, so this will probably be short and will not include a synopsis of the game up to this point. I...
Kingdom Hearts: Genie In A Bottle in Gamer's Gaming
The Road So Far… Sora, a young boy from the Destiny Islands, is chosen by the Keyblade to be a Keyblade wielder. They Keyblade is a mysterious weapon that not only is one of few weapons that can...
Kingdom Hearts: Test Your Might (An Interlude) in Gamer's Gaming
Since this one is just part of a side quest and should be quite short, I will not be recounting the story up to this point. Just sit back and enjoy the show… Arriving back in the Olympus Coliseu...
Kingdom Hearts: The Boys Are Back In Town in Gamer's Gaming
The Road So Far… Sora, a young boy, is in search of his friends, Riku and Kairi, after his world was swallowed by darkness. He has been chosen by a mysterious weapon called the Keyblade to comba...
Kingdom Hearts: Rumble In The Jungle in Gamer's Gaming
The Road So Far… Sora, a young boy who has been chosen by the Keyblade, is journeying through the worlds in search of his friends Riku and Kairi after their homeworld, the Destiny Islands, had be...
Kingdom Hearts: Everybody Was Spartan Fighting in Gamer's Gaming
I guess for each of these, I will do a recap in the style of one of my favorite television series, Supernatural. Please, feel free to play “Carry On My Wayward Son” in your head while reading th...
Kingdom Hearts: If The Heart Don't Fit, You Must Acquit in Gamer's Gaming
So, after realizing that the entry would be an insane amount longer than I originally thought it would be, I decided to break the game up by it’s levels, thus smaller entries, and also the subtit...
Making Friends In Elizabethtown in Ultimate Randomness
So I ought to get right out there and say it: this isn’t actually about making friends. Besides, if you have followed anything I have said through this last year and a half, almost, you probably...
Sleepy Redemption in Ultimate Randomness
Well, here we are again. It’s been awhile since I dropped in, but life as always is hectic these days and there are fewer new thoughts that pop into my head as did this time a year ago. And lik...
This Was Long Overdue in Ultimate Randomness
Well, the title really says it all, doesn’t it? Yes, this entry is long, long overdue. I can pretty well promise it won’t be long as I have been doing quite a bit of writing today, but I figure...
Conclusions in Ultimate Randomness
Well, it has been an awful long time since I had an entry here. I have been busy working on a Facebook group that eats up my free time. And as well as it is going, I have learned a depressing f...
8/22/14 in Brief Thoughts
Tonight has reminded me that some people are just meant to finish last. And because of my faults, and my strengths, I am one of those people.
8/17/14 in Brief Thoughts
Question: Is it the case that something has gone wrong in your life or that something has gone wrong in your head when you start sympathizing and agreeing with the machines in "The Matrix"?
Another Day In Paradise in Ultimate Randomness
I had to look to make sure I hadn't used that title yet, and by some miracle, this is the first time I have used it. Wow. Anyhow, I really do intend this to be a fairly brief entry. Not a whol...
Addendum To "...Death Of An Icon..." in Brief Thoughts
So it was revealed by Robin Williams' wife today that he had just recently learned that he was in the early stages of Parkinson's. With a family history of heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer...
So I am going to start on light note, to update on me and to counterpoint the events I plan to discuss after. So for me. My biggest problem here today has been the...well, the amorous feelings ...
8/12/14 in Brief Thoughts
Odd as it may sound, sometimes I think my life would be better if I hadn't been so good at staying out of trouble.
A Life In Neutral in Ultimate Randomness
Times like now, I wonder who it was who first noticed that, sadly, some of us men do our best thinking in the bathroom. In any case, this is probably not going to be a long entry at all. The la...
A Brief Update in Brief Thoughts
Ended up having to replace the battery after all. Still, I will never underestimate how good it feels to have a car start and not sound like shit again. Or air conditioning. That shit is gre...
A Little Less Stress, A Little More Peace Of Mind in Ultimate Randomness
Wow, for once, something worked out the way it was supposed to...well, mostly. So I took the car by a garage up by my in-laws house yesterday. The time had finally come because my FIL and I cou...
Loneliness in Brief Thoughts
Ya know, being alone would be a whole lot easier if I wasn't around people every day. It really is better to never know what you're missing.
7/27/14 in Brief Thoughts
I've got hemorrhoids, my car is a piece of crap, and I would gladly trade my life with that of a homeless person. Where did everything go so wrong?
Let The Misery Continue in Ultimate Randomness
Well, I figure a brief update is in order from my bitching from the other night. Let's see...ok, so let's get the TMI out of the way first. The butt pain. Seems as if I might have hemherroids(...