KissOfLife! ⋅ 41 ⋅
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Ex country kid, on the outskirts of Outback. 6'3, gay, introvert, spontaneous Sagittarius (Orpheus actually). I need an outlet for my life, and this is it :) If you'd like to be added to Friends Only, a) don't be a prude, and b) please let me know :) Insta : pfefz Snap: luvncraze Facebook: Matt Pfeffer
Entries 1,109
Page 16 of 45
Camping ideas in Stuff
Is anyone reserecting their Open Diary? I know it’ll be a subscription-only service, so I’d be limited to reading those people who are also paying for the service. I also don’t trust the DiaryM...
Sorry not sorry #NoVoters in Political shit
Some of the preliminary results have come in about the SSM survey here in Australia and it’s looking pretty good. The ABS says that around 60% of eligible voters have returned their forms, whic...
Free tent, anyone? in Stuff
I’m listening to Shania Twain’s new album “Now” at the gym. It’s not bad. It’s definitely no “Come On Over”, but then again, either was “Up”. I’m only a few songs in. Man, Spotify is so much ...
Work crap and Baby Jane in Stuff
We’ve has this replacement store manager at work whilst our actual manager has been away doing a relief at another store, and she is the most awesome manager I’ve ever come across. In fact, she’...
Survey #4679 in Surveys
I haven’t done a survey in a while, so saw this one and decided to give it a go. Some of these questions make no sense to me however, as it was clearly aimed at an American, so I’ll try to chang...
This is fucked up in Political shit
I’ve blocked my mother and my little brother from my Facebook. No real trigger for doing so, other than their silence. I’m sick of being taken for a ride, pretending everything is okay and fine...
Groundhog Day in Australian politics in Political shit
Right. I watched the press conference this morning from our PM and the finance minister, who explained how all of this is going to work (or not work). As I already mentioned, they are putting t...
Another pollie rant in Political shit
Not much point reading this, it’s just me ranting about how fucking useless our federal government is. Like, it’s actually hilarious at how bad it is, and that something as simple as this seems t...
Marriage Amendment Definition and Religious Freedom Bill 2017 in Political shit
I’m just posting this here, because it could potentially be historical. Or a dud. You know what this current government is like lol.
I guess that's not happening in Stuff
Ergh, what a tough work-week, especially yesterday. I mean, I’m usually run off my feet at work, but yesterday the back dock guy just never showed up. He only works for us one day a week on Sa...
Is that a banana in your pants? in Stuff
I got a bit of shock being awoken this morning by a delivery man knocking on the front door. I must be edgy or something because I was actually awoken by the footsteps walking onto the front bal...
West End Girls in Adventures in paradise
I hate to talk about politics, but it looks like shit’s about to go down in the federal parliament, finally, about same-sex marriage in this country. The people are sick of it, the politicians a...
Fatty boom-baa in Stuff
My bum cheek has stopped hurting, lol, thankfully! I feel like I may have had something I didn’t know about. Just a feeling I have. Like, I feel a lot better. It could just be the effects of ...
Survey #whatever number this is in Surveys
Well my last entry was boring as batshit, so it’s time for another el-boring-o survey. Stole this one from Kylie! Do you make your bed? Pffft, who has time for that? I’m only gonna get in it ag...
Home sweet home in Stuff
I’m back in Brisbane! Home sweet home. It’s always nice to come home after an extended trip away. I’m thankful for my comfy bed again. The bed at Ryan’s place is for people with back’s of ste...
Knife dream in Vulnerability
Dreams are so weird. I had a dream last night where I was pulling long sharp kitchen-knives out of my mouth/throat. Black handles, big thick blades, like a chef’s knife. They each had a little...
Auckland! (pics) in Adventures in paradise
I cringe whenever I watch back vlogs I’ve made HA! God, I suck bigtime. No Youtuber career for this little black duck, I tell ya what. Yeah, I made that video after my first full day of walkin...
Hi New Zealand! in Adventures in paradise
It’s been a big day. I left the house at 6:15am this morning, following my housemate out as he left for work. It was a two hour journey to the Gold Coast airport. In true form, I got an email ...
French backpacker housemate in Stuff
Sorry bout my boring work-rant yesterday lol. I let fly at work today at my manager, saying I was sick of the blame-games going on and that the last three weeks have been a joke. I also said I ...
10 People/Characters who sparked my sexual awakening in LOL
Stealing this from Mel! :) 10 people/characters who sparked my sexual awakening. This was harder than I thought! I hope I haven’t missed anyone important who may have slipped my mind. I did num...
Rambling shit in Stuff
Finally forced myself to get my arse to the gym. I was so fucking lazy last week and only went the once, and I don’t like going on my days off because I like to kill two birds with one stone by ...
Yep, I was right to whinge in Stuff
Yep. I’m about to cut a bitch in half after that shift. I’m actually livid and trying to calm myself down. I started at 6:30 and didn’t take lunch until 2:30, and I finished at 4. Ho-ly shit. ...
Me having a pre-whinge in Stuff
I decided that I wanted to have a bit of a bitch before I go to bed lol. I’m looking forward to the pay for working this weekend at work, but I am not looking forward to the actual work, purely b...
Ninety eight point three in Stuff
Right. Wannbe drag-queen (not really) entries are done with! Until next time haha. I’ve kind of been thinking it would be nice to get done up in drag sometime, but nice-drag, you know, like a ...
A (non) testing week in Stuff
Oh man this is a tough work-week. Ergh. I literally haven’t stopped. I walked into a pigsty on Thursday and today was just as bad. Apparently my manager had to do an overnight shift as tradies...