KissOfLife! ⋅ 41 ⋅
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Ex country kid, on the outskirts of Outback. 6'3, gay, introvert, spontaneous Sagittarius (Orpheus actually). I need an outlet for my life, and this is it :) If you'd like to be added to Friends Only, a) don't be a prude, and b) please let me know :) Insta : pfefz Snap: luvncraze Facebook: Matt Pfeffer
Entries 1,109
Page 15 of 45
Catch-ups with Matt O' in Adventures in paradise
I caught up with my friend Matt-O last night, since it was the last chance I’d be able to since he’s continuing his visit to Australia. He’s from here but has been working in London for the last...
2017 Round-up in Surveys
What did you do last year that you’d never done before? Traveled to Auckland. Did a drag photo-shoot. Hung out in a Sydney member’s only nightclub with a bunch of rich people. Hit three-figures...
"You do you, babe" (Tropical Fruits pics) in Adventures in paradise
Words like this, I noticed, were thrown around a fair bit at camp. The whole northern NSW area has been known as an “alternative” region for as long as I can remember (Byron Bay, Nimbin etc) so ...
Tropical Fruits Day 4 & 5 (final night) in Adventures in paradise
I finally found a free PowerPoint at the campsite for my final night here. I’m going to start packing up some of the small stuff and moving it to the car tonight. The tent can wait until sunrise...
Fuck me! in Adventures in paradise
I’m in Lismore, awaiting a tow-truck. The stupid battery light kept coming on in Vish’s car and eventually it just wouldn’t start altogether. 😪 I made it out to my parents and to Lismore fine. ...
December Currents in Surveys
Current book: It’s “The Barefoot Investor”. Yeah, I know, I’m one of those people. Well, sort of but not really. I do things a fair bit different to how this guy does things, but the book rea...
So is our happiness in Vulnerability
So, this was pretty awesome, and sad.
Glamp the camp in Stuff
I think I’m gradually feeling better. I’ve been taking the Sambucol dosages like drinking water and have also been throwing down Vitamin C pills like a 17yo downing ekkies at Schoolies. With al...
Well, I am sick :( I woke up on Wednesday with no voice whatsoever, so that was fun. I know it’s my own fault. i didn’t think the air-conditioner was working properly because I was so hot in be...
Gold Coast trip in Adventures in paradise
I’ve got an hour until my late 12pm checkout (woohoo) so why not write an entry? It’s been great. These 4 days away have been so worth it, and yeah this hotel is amazing, and huge. I’ve had at ...
We're SO Close! / Edit - I'm Equal in Political shit
Omg I was TORN today as to whether I wanted to fly down to Canberra today for probably the most historic day politically in my lifetime. I was on both airline websites and hotel websites, SO clo...
Better Watch Out in Adventures in paradise
Ergh, just wrote a big entry and lost the friggin thing, so here goes again. My actual birthday was pretty uneventful. I woke up with a slight hangover and felt the need to just have a shower an...
Lil' nugget/Mr Hanky. in Holy Shit!
So apparently one of my workmates has some sort of bodily health problem. I’m not sure why Kirsty (a chick in my department) felt the need to tell me this, but I guess it’s work-gossip now. Some...
An historic day :) #equallove in Holy Shit!
Thanks for your views on my friend. I just don’t want him going off the rails, so I’m a bit worried. Anyway, I’m sure you’ve all heard by now. Today is an historic day for same-sex couples in m...
Finally doing something in Adventures in paradise
I dunno what the rest of those NoJoMo questions are like, but I didn’t like the next set either so I’m not gonna bother doing it. Oh well I tried. I’d rather just write about my life TBH. I’ve b...
NoJoMo #5, #6 and #7 in Surveys
5 - If you were interviewing one of your friends for a position in a company, what position would it be, and would they get the job? I didn’t know how to answer this question. I thought it was...
Have you ever made a decision that you never thought you would make? How did it turn out? Ironically, I made the decision to have a girlfriend when I was in grade 10. You know, cos it was ‘the...
NoJoMo 1, 2 , 3 in Surveys
It’s been a pretty good week I guess, except that my wrist started hurting again, but oh well, I’ll live. Mental health has been okay. The gym is helping a lot with that so I’ve been feeling go...
Frowny face in Vulnerability
Tonight has not been a good night at all for me mentally. I wrote the previous entry at the gym whilse doing my cardio on the bike (c’mon 5 kilo, make like Copperfield and disappear!) and stupid...
Kathy Griffin in Adventures in paradise
Kathy Griffin was fairly good. I did laugh a few times, but she wasn’t my favourite comedian I’ve seen. Rather than run around the stage and tell jokes, she only moved from the podium a couple ...
4:30am storm in Stuff
It’s 4:30am and there’s a storm outside. Pretty cool every time that happens, which is pretty rarely. I’m still awake, haven’t hit the hay yet. I’ve been up watching episodes of the American “...
Moe & Ben's housewarming in Adventures in paradise
I had a fun night at Moe and Ben’s housewarming tonight in Nundah. They have a really cute and spacious apartment and have totally decked it out in all the latest accessories that you’d find in ...
Spring cleaning in Stuff
Someone posted this on their FB today. Can anyone spell ‘I-R-O-N-Y’??? Not too worried. There’s been a couple of pre-polls suggesting that the ‘Yes’ vote will win by at least 66%. I’m leaning...
Moetoberfest 2017 in Adventures in paradise
I went to Moetoberfest (My friend Moe’s annual birthday celebration) last night. It was held at ‘The Barvarian’ and the starting time was at 7:30pm. Cue 7:10pm rolling around and me thinking I’...
#fattyboombah in Stuff
Well, I think you all make it pretty clear what you think of OD LOL. #shoveitupyourarse I personally can’t believe some people are considering giving that guy money. The only good thing seems t...