Ring of Honor ⋅ 37

**Leigh** Late twenty-something, former teen mom to Cassidy (12 years old). Nutritionist working on becoming a Registered Dietitian. Married to the love of my life Bradley since 08/11/2012. Pregnant with a boy due 09/07/2016. "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.."

Tomorrow is Another Day

Entries 64

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I’m 13weeks1day and I am really struggling. I don’t know what my problem is but I just can’t seem to get it together. I know hormonal changes is a part of pregnancy, but how I’ve been feeling is ...

August 22, 2019

I’m pregnant in My Metamorphosis

After nearly two years of trying, I am pregnant! I’m typing this on my phone at work, so it’ll be brief. Before I get into that, there’s a few other noteworthy events since my last post.. in May...

It’s probably been close to a year since I updated. I was still following my bookmarks on here for a while, but see I’m about 500 entries behind! yikes. Anywhoozle, I will just do a year in revie...

Whoops. Five months ago I wrote saying I’d write more, and here we are. I blinked and it’s January. So much has happened since I wrote last. For anyone who’s followed me since OD or back in the e...

EDIT: Thank you all for the sweet comments! I didn’t realize anyone read me/remembered me! I have crawled out of the stone ages and left photo bucket and got a imgur, so hopefully y’all can see t...

I really need to start updating more. I guess I say that every entry. In my last entry I had just turned 30 and my maternity leave was coming to an end :(. I was seriously hoping to just stay at ...

Last Monday I turned 30 cringe. I was reading old OpenDiary birthday entries from years past. Yikes. Depressing much? Every birthday entry was pretty much the same - vowing to have a more success...

Yesterday I had my 6 week postpartum checkup. I was actually looking forward to it because on Friday Bradley and I worked out for the first time and I felt like I ripped my stitches open. I had b...

Thanks so much for all the nonjudgmental advice on the induction. I was on the fence about it, but decided to go ahead and get induced at 39w1day and I am so glad I did! This labor and delivery w...

Well here I am. 39 weeks pregnant with no end in sight. Actually, I’m just being dramatic. There is an end in site, but I don’t know if I’m ready for it. I went to the doctor today and was disapp...

So I’m 38 weeks today. I have been trying everything to induce labor with no luck. I was having some major contractions and back pain yesterday and ended up going to the Dr. They hooked me up to ...

Ok this is literally my fifth time trying to sit down and actually finish this entry. I’m 36 weeks pregnant and feeling every bit of it. I still don’t understand people who actually like being pr...

OMG to say I’m overwhelmed and exhausted would be an understatement. Last Tuesday we closed on our new house! I still can’t believe I own my own home. It is scary and I got serious cold feet righ...

Omg. I feel like my head is going to explode. I woke up at 3:00am just stressing about this situation and haven’t been able to sleep since. Now I’m at work and it’s still on my mind and won’t go ...

When Cassidy’s biological “dad” left me high and dry at about 3 months pregnant, I was devastated to say the least. It took me many, many years and lots of reckless decisions to finally deal with...

So I’m 29 weeks today and I am feeling it. I really shouldn’t complain because this pregnancy has been pretty uneventful - especially compared to the patients I see every day who have a laundry l...

So in my last entry I talked about how I got approved for a home loan but Bradley didn’t and how I was hesitant to ask my dad to co-sign. Well, my dad came to visit and he actually OFFERED to co-...

I’m slightly more stable since my last erratic entry. The idea of having a boy and a child isn’t sounding as horrendous as it did when I first found out a few weeks ago. I want to thank ya’ll for...

We just found out the sex of the baby. Fucking boy. I can’t stop crying. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know where all this is fucking coming from. I should be on my way to work, bu...

One of my dear friends reminded me I need to update this thing, so here I am :P Ok, so I’m almost 16 weeks pregnant. O_o Crazy. This pregnancy is going by slowly. I know it’s been a while since I...

So this happened… Yup. I found out a little over a week ago. I know in my last entry (like four months ago) I wrote about trying to conceive, but since then I had pretty much given up. Really a...

Geez it’s been like three months since I’ve updated. Sorry, my life is pretty repetitive and not really noteworthy. Well, I left off on here talking about TTC. Well we are on TTC cycle #3 and sti...

Well after an agonizing 2 and a half weeks I finally had my post-op appointment to get my results back from the procedure. I have had so much anxiety about it and had braced myself for the worst....

Geez, I didn’t realize it’s been so long since I’ve updated. So much has happened.. On my last entry I left off on the possibility of Zion moving. This turned into a major fiasco, all because Zio...

I went to the obgyn a few weeks ago after the Women’s Health Medicaid was approved. We booked my pre-op and procedure date and I was supposed to be having it done tomorrow. But, apparently somebo...

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65 Entries