
Entries 1,301

Page 2 of 53

It was some kind of future world. Two other females I didn’t recognize and a male “tour guide” went into an elevator. It was round and would only fit 4-5 people. The elevator had been marked ANZ-...

Yesterday I worked. I’d planned on making $105.... that would have given me right at $200 to put towards whatever debt this week. However, apparently, there were 1,000 people door dashing yesterd...

June 30, 2023

just some bits.... in Second 1st

A few interesting things over the last few days.... well things I find interesting.... I saw a couple in love. Physically on a 1-10 scale (10 being best) I’d say they were both a 6 or 7.... but t...

June 25, 2023

no lie, just sayin' in Second 1st

I want to BE this vibe.... BE this vibe. Obviously, this is the latest music I”m in love with. I need more in my life.... and to learn to feel these lyrics.... I NEED THIS. Just sayin ----fix...

June 22, 2023

bad day in Second 1st

Screw Bret.... or whatever tropical storm is currently wreaking havoc on Florida… or the gulf… err whatever.... I don’t have to can about them, just me.... I had the worst day I’ve had in a good...

June 18, 2023

hmm in Second 1st

I got a letter this last week stating I needed to pay 2137.66 for the damages caused to the truck involved in the accident on Jan 16th. I have to fill out some paper that only has options I don’t...

How are they. I think both identify as the opposite sex now or something? How is the mom taking it. How does their mom handle them… you said they were dumped on her? I don’t understand the story ...

June 09, 2023

why not? in Second 1st

So, called Mom today to tell her that we plan on moving to MI. She is not thrilled but seemed to be kind of “whatever” about it. Mom had said, “We will be up there to get the stuff out of your ga...

So upon request through a private comment, I’m going to explain who’s who.... Destiny- I’ve been friends with her since we were 11. We are 42 now (her 42nd B-day is in 10 days). She was a new st...

The 25th .... I think we were at Davinci’s when my brother called.... like I said in the previous entry I was high.... and bro could tell. He told me that dad was in the hospital but he would cal...

The 21stWe went to Fred’s for dinner. He lives just a few blocks from Destiny’s mom and they live just like 7 mins from the bar we had gone to (JW’s). His house is perfect. He recently painted it...

June 07, 2023

First things first in Second 1st

So back to vacation. Going by pictures and dates..... and as much memory as possible.... The 18th before going to Destiny’s, Jake and I Door Dashed for a bit and I needed to get a few things at ...

June 05, 2023

custody of me in Second 1st

There were small custody battles. We made it through. The first weekend I was restricted to Destiny except for the bar. Jake and I had the foresight and had gotten a hotel room for my first night...

More on Christina/Chris.... I do not have a picture of her/him. The confusion gets worse.... his mom doesn’t care about his pronouns at all and thinks it’s just a way for her daughter to disrespe...

June 04, 2023

JW's in Second 1st

I went to MI on the 17th and got back yesterday. It was mostly a dream. Destiny allowed me to be super lazy for the most part. I did do dishes The Saturday before the Memorial Day BBQ. Other than...

I had the most amazing Door dash delivery today.... but first.... background and the first losers.. I have been delivering for door dash as my primary income for nearly a year (starting mid-June ...

It was a shitty night. I woke twice on the cusp of vomiting. A storm came through and I felt the swerve and spins. The first time I woke I had just had a nice text session with Jake. Pictures of ...

May 07, 2023

ooof in Second 1st

As I start this entry Nouget is having zoomies, that’s fun. .... I have to share this because I find it hilarious. Thursday night Rocky had bent down to get a tennis ball from under the bed and N...

This morning I’ve noticed that there have been no new posts on the front page for I would swear 24 hrs. It’s storming pretty hard this morning, poor dog has decided she’s scared of thunder and l...

April 21, 2023

Ouch, financial woes in Second 1st

The plans were going well. I’ve been paying on the credit line that I got the car with. I had a few bad days (physically and mentally) and a few good ones (financially mostly) then.... well then ...

April 14, 2023

things n stuff in Second 1st

The dog experiment went well. Nouget slept on “his side” so I got my side back. This is great because of many little things that wouldn’t make sense to anyone but me. There is no air flow on his ...

April 09, 2023

just updates in Second 1st

As always things have piled up and I feel like I’ve bee ignoring the fact that I need to put in an entry. The dog situation is working out okay but I’m afraid she’s picked her person and it’s no...

March 22, 2023

Jake and dog in Second 1st

The third entry I had in my head yesterday.... nope Sunday.... was about Jake. He’s been in and out of the hospital with medical stuff. He’d decided that he wanted a job because it wasn’t working...

March 20, 2023

pokemon in Second 1st

This is a short entry about the crochet Pokemon I’ve been working on lately. I had to order more of the color I’d gotten for lickitung and started Mr. Mime in the meantime. Here ya go..... ...

March 19, 2023

Denzel in Second 1st

Where to start? ‘Tis been a whole month since I last posted. We got talk to the bank about a loan for a car. Through the questions and all I ended up with a credit card for $6000 and the option t...

Books 8

1001 Entries


129 Entries

86 Entries

21 Entries

19 Entries

13 Entries

42 Entries