~Octopussy~ ⋅ 41 ⋅

Just an American living Bangkok and writing about all the inappropriate things that I somehow get roped into joining... I've been writing in blogs since 1999, so I'm fairly inconsistent. Sometimes I write a lot, sometimes I have nothing to say for months at a time, but I'm never gone, so just be patient and something new will come around.

The truth is of course is that there is no journey. We are arriving and departing all at the same time

David Bowie

Entries 406

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School finally limped to an end on Friday. I say limped because the end of school marched as inexorably slow as a George Romero zombie. It seemed never-ending. My finals started three-and-a-half ...

http://youtu.be/tjF0svqQR9k I was reading an entry from someone who had mentioned that a significant other had found this person's collection of entries here on Prosebox. I've had that happen to...

I went and saw X-Men yesterday. I decided to walk to the theater. I walked eight miles round trip. I don't know why I did it. I'm just extremely inactive at the moment and I decided to switch tha...

I was reading an entry by Contra Night Stalker about the conflict he has in his relationship and my initial reaction was to say that I don't know about those types of conflict because I haven't h...

http://youtu.be/NiGMqbXb8J8Mississippi by Sheryl Crow is one of my favorite songs because I bought The Globe Sessions when it came out in 1999 and it has become one of my go-to depression records...

I found this Tumblr page of a photographer in Canada who takes photos and interviews queer Muslims. As they discussed their faith, I realized that I don't really talk about mine anymore. I know ...

In order to really make sense of this, we have to travel back a few months to when I was in the deepest pit of my depression. I had left Richard and his boyfriend behind in Los Angeles go to a se...

When I was in high school, I happened to see The Talented Mr. Ripley. It would be an understatement to say that that movie really fucked me up. I knew that I was going to write about it because ...

I don't really believe in ceremonies. I feel like they are this giant placebo. Graduation. I never went to my high school graduation. I was supposed to be giving a speech, I told my school that ...

I should really get to bed. It's only 10:30 but that's extremely late for me. For whatever reason, I got sucked into a spiral of 90s country music and got started on my homework a bit late. I'm ...

Today I made a pointless post on Facebook (as if I ever post anything worthwhile) that said, "I miss my waterbed." My friend BJ responded by saying, "I miss your waterbed, too." That may seem li...

When everything comes down around you, you have no choice but to take control and assert dominion over the things that you believe have spun beyond your realm of influence. All of the messes tha...

The time has come for me to start trying to figure out what I'm going to do when I finish school in March. Ideally, I would like to go back to France, but I'm not sure that that's very practical ...

Now to write something a bit more straightforward. Where did I leave off? Well, I realized about a week ago that my behavior over the last several months exhibits signs of depression. Now, it ...

My hair is long. It has passed my shoulders. I’ve never felt like a man. I know that I am one simply because that’s how I’ve always identified myself, but I don’t do manly things. It has always m...

I had a complete mental breakdown a few weeks ago that sent me spiraling out into realms that I'd previously left unvisited. I felt so rejected by JD, and I didn't realize that I have severe aban...

So I had to create a short film for one of my classes and it was quite depressing because nobody believed in my vision. I ended up getting it done and I'm quite proud of the way it turned out, bu...

I just lost two of my best friends. Well, "lost" isn't the right word. I have chosen to sever all contact over something seemingly trivial, but to me it is a representation of some deeply held b...

It was purely by chance that the end of Open Diary coincided with me getting back in touch with a writer whom I began following a few years ago. Aside from just the entries he wrote, we began e-m...

The end of Open Diary would probably be one of the most trending topics on this site if it had the ability to keep track of topics. I started mine in 1999 at the behest of an acquaintance from ...

There was something that happened while Richard was visiting that made me realize a fundamental difference between us. Richard was with me for around three days. During that three days, I took hi...

Well, remaining single didn't last for long. Not only am I no longer single but I'm not that upset about it. I've actually settled into it quite respectably. He's extremely patient with all my fo...

I suppose I was a little more shaken up by the glimpse of couple-dom than I previously thought. I'd always seen these cute little pictures of boys kissing and hugging and holding hands and wonder...

It's currently 3am and I'm awake because my sleep schedule was disturbed a few nights ago. There was a terrifying pounding on my window and when I opened it, there was a woman whom I didn't know ...

I have spent the last two weeks trying to scrounge enough money to pay my rent. What a spectacular start to a harrowing entry. It still hasn't really come together, but I'm close to pulling a r...