~Octopussy~ ⋅ 41 ⋅

Just an American living Bangkok and writing about all the inappropriate things that I somehow get roped into joining... I've been writing in blogs since 1999, so I'm fairly inconsistent. Sometimes I write a lot, sometimes I have nothing to say for months at a time, but I'm never gone, so just be patient and something new will come around.

The truth is of course is that there is no journey. We are arriving and departing all at the same time

David Bowie

Entries 403

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I randomly watched this series oNetflix and it kind of ripped me apart. I’ve been walking around like an open wound for the past week. There were situations in the show that I understood so wel...

Well, the property is officially sold and I was very surprised when my mother deposited my share of the sale into my account. I have to be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about the whole thing...

I tried to get myself organized, but it seems to be a much more difficult process than I had originally thought it would be. I mean, I have to come up with a serious life for myself now. There’...

What size is your bed? You know, I don’t know. When I was talking to my mother about Cameron moving, she mentioned his “tiny” bed being so old, and I told her that bed was 20 years old. “How do ...

I received some news from my little brother in mid-October that surprised me. He said that he was surprised that I hadn’t been told about it, either, and so I called my mother for confirmation. ...

Honestly, my life stayed mostly the same for six months. I was working so much that I had almost no time for anyone or anything. Anytime I did go out, it was mostly rote and full of stupid choic...

The next semester started after I had only 9 days off. I discovered just a few days ago that I was assigned an international class against my requests, which means I do not have a day off until M...

Everyone around me keeps talking about the major album releases that have happened this year, and I do have some thoughts about them, but I usually keep them to myself only because anything but a...

I think I may have made my mother’s statements from the last entry misunderstood, she has always been like that and it wasn’t said with malice, it was said matter-of-factly. It’s just an acknowle...

I know that erasing all of my social media was a big overreaction, and I know what it was about, too. First, there was a message from Dave. 10 years ago, Dave was one of my closest friends. He w...

I decided that I would participate in Pride, which is something I mostly had avoided since moving to Thailand. I’ve never really enjoyed that kind of frivolity, just too many people and other thi...

For a few weeks, I was toying with moving down to the main area of town. I quickly came to my senses when I realized that I am finally stabilized financially after abruptly switching jobs and it ...

I was out and suddenly ran into Good. I know I know. How many times am I going to get caught up in that nonsense? But it was very amusing because the week before I had been out with this guy I ho...

I hadn’t been out in a very long time. I’d finally gotten the all-clear from the doctor, but I was still recovering from the surgery. The biopsy had come back negative so the month of existential...

I read recently about the questionnaire compiled by a psychologist to help people determine compatibility in romantic relationships, and so I figured that since there are so many nonsense surveys...

I don’t want to say I turned over a new leaf, which would not be accurate because I went to another one of those insane sex parties, but I’ve become much more selective about who I socialize with...

Last night was random in ways I wasn’t sure I was prepared for… I had decided I was going to have a nutty night out because I spent nearly all of November in a holding pattern. I’d finished week ...

Well, I got through my first week. I say “got through” but in reality it was fine. Yes, every class there was some problem, usually with the technology or some other thing that nobody in leadersh...

November 21, 2023

Neon in The Song Remembers When

I was very depressed when I was young. I experienced way too much death too quickly and it was overwhelming me, emotionally, and honestly, looking back, I don’t think I really ever stabilized. On...

November 16, 2023

Kiss in Things That I'm Grateful For

So the day finally arrived. He’s been talking about it since we first met about 2 years ago, back when producing his series was just a dream for him. Ark was always telling me he wanted me to do ...

November 13, 2023

Now What in Things That I'm Grateful For

So I’m sitting alone in my office for the second day in a row now at a complete and utter loss. I’m not so naive as to not realize that I have a giant office, even if I have to share, my half of ...

Last night, I went to the 8th anniversary of Luka, a super trendy restaurant in the fancy part of town. The owner invited me and I was very surprised Bane didn’t show up. Bane has been vying for ...

I know it’s been a while considering I was in a good rhythm for a while, but I did something that had huge consequences and I did not really think about it in advance which caused me to spend alm...

What has been the highlight of this past week? Last night I was on a date and it was incredibly boring, he was gorgeous but had the personality of a rice square. When he finally left, the guys at...

The other night Bane took me to see a live music show. I was a little hesitant for two reasons. The first being that I’m very picky about live music, and Bane’s taste in music wasn’t exactly in l...