dream seeker

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”

Dr. Seuss :)

Entries 242

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May 04, 2020

A Crappy Day in Just in Case

Nothing major has gone wrong, but it’s just one of those days. My emotions have been all over the place, just like everyone else’s. And sometimes it feels like I’m standing in front of everyone w...

April 28, 2020

Two More Weeks in Just in Case

Today our governor extended the shelter at home for two more weeks. I’m not surprised, honestly. The reactions are mixed. Some of us expected it, others are furious. I know I’m lucky that I’m sti...

April 24, 2020

Checking In in Just in Case

Still working through this like everyone else. Some days are better than others. Yesterday was a good one. I started with a video conference with some of my kids. I got to see my kids as well as ...

April 03, 2020

Just Getting By in Just in Case

Well I suck on keeping going on this. I don’t even have an excuse, I mean, I ‘m here, all day. I am even on the computer for a big part of that day, talking with kids. It’s hard to sit here and p...

March 18, 2020

I'm back in Just in Case

I’ve missed this place so much! So many times I’ve wanted to post how things were going, but it seemed wrong to stay away for so long and only post when I needed it. I’m planning on staying aroun...

December 31, 2018

Good-bye 2018 in Just in Case

It feels like I’ve been gone for so long from here. I’m still adjusting to this wifi and the limits of it. I went over so much the first month, I’ve been paranoid and not even turning it on most ...

November 06, 2018

Can't get used to it in Just in Case

It’s been a while since I had reliable internet and a working laptop, so I’ve gotten out of the habit of coming here, but I miss y’all. Things have been ok here, We had some severe weather the ot...

October 13, 2018

Let's Try This Again in Just in Case

This internet business is going to drive me crazy. Because I had to go with the mifi for internet I have a cap on my data. The young man explained how to monitor the data to me, but either I misu...

August 13, 2018

Just the highlights in Just in Case

I’d love to say that many things have happened since I was able to write, but lol life it fairly simple. You’ve been saved some whining entries about the end of school. :) It was a busy summer, I...

August 09, 2018

I'm Back!! in Just in Case

Wow! After way too long fighting Suddenlink to get my Internet fixed, I broke down and went another route (ATT). My poor computer is still updating, so I’m keeping this short. It’s going to take ...

March 27, 2018

So sad in Just in Case

My internet issues continue. I really do t think they can be resolved without rewiring the house, and landlord won’t be doing that. Then I heard about the notification and PB closing. That makes ...

February 22, 2018

Waving in Just in Case

I haven’t run away. For the past month I’ve been out of internet 90% of the time. It’s some about this black hole of a house. I hope to be back soon. I can’t catch up on my phone, but I plan on r...

January 01, 2018

New Year's Eve Survey in Just in Case

I still need to catch up with some of you, and I will in the next few days. In the meantime, I thought I’d do a survey to end the year. What was the single best thing that happened this past year...

December 26, 2017

Christmas 2017 in Just in Case

First, thanks to those who left me such sweet notes. It really does mean a lot. I’m doing ok. Christmas actually turned out to be pretty good. My parents, sister, and the girls had our Christmas ...

December 24, 2017

Still Here in Just in Case

I’m still here. Just struggling. My internet at home is bad…I don’t know if it’s the house, the service, the equipment, or some combination of them, but I don’t have Internet most evenings. Schoo...

November 21, 2017

Catching Up in Just in Case

I’m working on getting caught up on reading everyone. My internet isn’t being the most cooperative, but I’m getting there. It’s been a very lazy day today. I didn’t feel great last night, and di...

November 21, 2017

Catching Up in Just in Case

I’m working on getting caught up on reading everyone. My internet isn’t being the most cooperative, but I’m getting there. It’s been a very lazy day today. I didn’t feel great last night, and di...

Did anyone else get the OD email? Just curious. Here’s the email. I suspect I got it because I had been a member for well over 10 years. Once it goes live, I think I will do the free trial. It sa...

November 04, 2017

Day Off in Just in Case

We were out of school today for the Pecan Festival. It seems nuts having school out for a festival, but it shuts down one of the towns, and all of our kids and families attend. I had planned on a...

October 30, 2017

OctoPhoMo 29 in Just in Case

I’m still behind in reading. I’ve worked on catching up, but my internet isn’t being helpful. I was supposed to go to my parents’ today, but got a call as I was about to pull out that my mom was ...

October 24, 2017

OctoPhoMo 24 in Just in Case

Just a quick one today. The picture didn’t turn out like I wanted. It’s just some mimosa with the beaded water droplets.

October 23, 2017

OctoPhoMo 23 in Just in Case

This is a little church on the way to my parents’. It’s the oldest standing church in the parish (county). They still hold services there occasionally, and they maintain the cemetery behind it. I...

October 23, 2017

OctoPhoMo 22 in Just in Case

I spent the day at my parents’ today. I brought some goodies for them. That strawberry concoction was divine!! It was a low-key day, and when I got ready to leave, I saw this guy hanging out on...

October 22, 2017

OctoPhoMo 21 in Just in Case

I’m still way behind in reading y’all if everything would slow down some, and the Internet would cooperate I could get caught up. I spent most of the day at school today, getting caught up on gra...

October 20, 2017

OctoPhoMo 19 in Just in Case

I am one very pooped teacher. We had family night tonight. For me that means Beta Sweet Shop (a bake sale that we use as one of our main fund raisers. Normally, high school Beta Students run it f...

Books 2

181 Entries

101 Entries