It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Entries 31
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NJM12 in NoJoMo 2104
Ugh. Life happens, doesn’t it? I’m up to my eyeballs in it right now. There are things I want to write about…like, I’m moving, job is finally getting a little interesting again, I managed to bare...
NJM10 in NoJoMo 2104
10.What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever done? Oh. I guess that depends upon your definition of outrageous, wouldn’t it? I’ve spent my entire adult life making decisions based on what wou...
NJM09 in NoJoMo 2104
9.What’s your secret desire? Oh. My desires aren’t secret. ;-)
NJM07 in NoJoMo 2104
So. Things. Stuff. I’m on a steroid dosepak right now because of pain. It’s pretty bad. Otherwise, I’d be all tough and just ignore it. I usually don’t have too many side effects from it, but ri...
NJM06 in NoJoMo 2104
6.The biggest lie I’ve ever told is . . . “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.” It wasn’t okay and I wasn’t fine. Not for a very long time.
NJM05 in NoJoMo 2104
5.Dear ____, it weighs on me that I never told you . . . …that I forgave you. Love, Me
NJM04 in NoJoMo 2104
I’m going to skip today’s prompt. It’s all about goals and I’m sort of in the process of re-evaluating and adjusting goals, so it just doesn’t feel like the right time to write about it here. So...
NJM-03 in NoJoMo 2104
3.The people you most admire. There are so many people I admire. Most of you are included. Yes. You. I admire my children, though they aren’t really children anymore. THAT concept is difficult t...
NJM02 in NoJoMo 2104
2.Things you’ve done that you previously thought you could never do. Oh wow. There have been so many things…so many things that I thought I could never do and then discovered that I could, indeed...
NJM01 in NoJoMo 2104
I wrote most of this on November 1st, but then got called away to something important (um. drinks and getting laid, okay?), and by the time I got back to it, it was today. I’m still posting it fo...
This evening, I got messaged by a guy I used to date. It was out of the blue. The last time I talked to him, we had tentative plans to meet for dinner. He was supposed to contact me to confirm, a...
Day 20 – What is the most heroic thing you have done in your life? I do not think of myself as particularly heroic. I mean, I've saved lives. I've eased suffering. I've provided comfort in hopel...
Day 19 – What things in your life make it worth living? I don't have time to list all the things that make my life worth living, but these three are right on top of the list: The smile on the ...
I have done absolutely nothing productive today. Seriously. I slept late, checked emails, showered, touched myself, napped, ate, flirted with my boyfriend via text, watched the latest episode of ...
When all else fails, I'll post a survey! Are you ready for some questions that you barely find in other surveys? Yeah. Surprise me. If you can. Are you a kissable person? I like to think I am ...
Day 16 – Write about an experience that changed a long held belief you had. Today's prompt is especially timely, considering the week I had at work. Before I started nursing school, I believed...
...and the hits keep coming. TGIF ! Next week has got to be better, right?
One of the hazards of my job is that sometimes it breaks my heart. That is all.
I am at a bit of a loss lately for entry ideas. Today's NJM prompt didn't really grab me. I don't know...when I think back on big disappointments, none of them feel like blessings in disguise, so...
So, I guess a lot of people got married today, because of the date...11/12/13. I even heard of a few couples who got married at 9:10 on 11/12/13. I wonder if that helps the forgetful ones to reme...
My daddy was a decorated Army Veteran. He served in Korea. He said once that he saw some pretty horrible things there, but he would never talk about those things. My guess is that he spent the re...
Day 10 – What was the last thing on your mind as you fell asleep last night? So, this is a little boring, but the last thing on my mind last night as I fell asleep was "I hope I am awake and dre...
*Day 9 – What was the most creative excuse you've come up with to get out of a date, an appointment, or doing a task? * ::Note:: I've been thinking about this one for awhile, and sort of dreadin...
Day 8 – Write about a mistake you made once (or more than once) that you never want to make again. I once married a man whom I liked a great deal but did not love because I was afraid that being...
Omg! I just realized that I somehow saved this one as a draft and never published it! So...here it is. Day 6 – What does being courageous mean to you? At it's core, courage is about overcomin...